BAND: The Black Keys
MEMBERS: Dan Auerbach (Guitar) Patrick Carney (Drums)
GENRE: Rockin Old School Blues. Dirty, Simple.
Fan of old music? like the old rockin blues of Zeppelin and Hendrix mixed with some deep fried southern chicken? look no further than The Black Keys!
returning to Perth for a show on May 14th, the boys are ready to rock. these guys just keep getting better with age, and from their bio, its a heart warming story of just how crap life can seem to be, yet if you have a dream, all you need to do is put in the effort and it will come true. i urge you all to check their music out, seeya at the show!
Akron, Ohio, July 2002: Two young men, Dan Auerbach and Patrick Carney, Akron natives and college dropouts the both of them, are working for a local property owner. Between them, they’ve got a truck, two lawnmowers and a weed-whacker and, like everybody else, a hustle and a dream.
In 2001, Dan had booked some time to record with his current band in Patrick’s primitive basement recording studio. When the group didn’t show, Dan and Patrick banged out the first Black Keys songs off the cuff. The demos recorded that serendipitous afternoon secured them a deal with Alive Records for their debut, The Big Come Up, and barely a year later, they’re sweating behind lawnmowers in the summer sun, looking forward to taking off in a busted hatchback the next week to see America on their first tour. The job is a vital component in the big picture. The plan is to work, save money, tour, come back to Akron, repeat. Humble rock dreams. So what do they do? They go and get themselves fired, that’s what they do. For not edging a lawn correctly.
Unemployment be damned, they blow Akron. Dan, quiet and wry, plays fuzzed-out guitar and sings, scratch that, howls sweetly and growls soulfully when he’s on stage, like a man whose only friends in the world are his songs of suffering and true romance and the guitar he plays them on. Patrick attacks his drums like they stole his mother’s purse. Dan and Patrick figure that if they spend almost every waking hour on their music, practicing, playing, touring, writing, and so on, they can make this enterprise work. So the boys get busy.

NEW ALBUM: The Black Keys : Magic Potion