Prisoner 345
Documentary : SBS TV
The Cutting Edge
Time: Tuesday 13th, 8:30PM
On 15 December, 2001 Sami al-Hajj, a cameraman for Al Jazeera was arrested by Pakistani intelligence officers and handed over to the US military. He was then moved from one prison to the next ending up in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba in June 2002.
Almost five years later Sami, like David Hicks, is yet to be officially charged. Prisoner 345 traces Sami al-Hajj's movements before and after his arrest and examines the way he's allegedly been treated by his jailers at Guantanamo Bay. The film is based on Sami's own unclassified letters, testimonies to his lawyer and eyewitness accounts from former Guantanamo Bay detainees.
Tune in tonight and get a glimpse of what we never hear or see about in the main stream news. Fascinating documentary, hard to comprehend on a basic human level, how we can let this happen. scary stuff, but if your not informed, you cant make the change.

How come USA has a naval Base in Cuba?? I thought those two countries were big enemeys??
Will tape if I can't watch, thanks
P.S. How did Bill Hicks Die? Just watched some of his stuff and you have to have a giggle, he has quite a sense of humer....
im not too clued up on that bit of history (Miguel help me out here!) but i think after the Cuban Missle Crisis of the 70s, the US setup shop to prevent a Russian counterpart having a base there, with such close proxity to launch missles at the US.
the US has military bases all over the world. in every country, soon to be right here in Geraldton.
Yeh Bill Hicks was hit with pancreatic cancer, late 93, dies early 94. was 31 years old. yeh great comedian, but more a social critic. taking what was the lies and falsities of the time (and today / wars and foreign policies etc) and wrapping it into a routine. making the people laugh, and then jolt to attention in realisation of what was just told to their face.
FACTS on Guantanamo Bay Naval Base:
Cuba was taken over completly by the US after the Spanish-American War 1903. its then been leased to the US ever since. and the Cubans arent happy about it.
In December 1903, the United States leased the 45 square miles of land and water for use as a coaling station. A treaty reaffirmed the lease in 1934 granting Cuba and her trading partners free access through the bay, payment of $2,000 in gold per year, equating to $4,085 today, and a requirement that both the U.S. and Cuba must mutually consent to terminate the lease.
Since 1959, the U.S. sends a check for the lease amount every year, but the Cuban government has never cashed them.
Diplomatic relations with Cuba were cut in 1961 by President Dwight Eisenhower. At this time, many Cubans sought refuge on the base. U.S. Marines and Cuban militiamen began patrolling opposite sides of the base's 17.4 mile fenceline. Today, U.S. Marines and Cuba's "Frontier Brigade" still man fenceline posts 24 hours a day
U.S. Naval Base Guantanamo Bay is the oldest U.S. base overseas and the only one in a Communist country.
The issue of returning Guantánamo to Cuba is complicated by the agreement signed by Batista in 1934. The agreement states: "Until the two Contracting Parties agree to the modification or abrogation of the stipulations of the agreement in regard to the lease to the United States of America of lands in Cuba for coaling and naval stations… the stipulations of that Agreement with regard to the naval station of Guantánamo shall continue in effect."
In an interview with Soviet journalists in October 1985, U.S. President Ronald Reagan said that the purpose of the base was political: to impose the U.S. presence, even if the Cubans didn't want it.
On June 14 2002, at the United Nations General Assembly, Cuba demanded that Guantánamo territory be returned to the island.
Now its used by the worlds most dangerous terrorist ...Bush!
Mucho Gracias por aquélla! el conocimiento es potencia.
watched the presentation tonight on SBS, what a shock. still cant believe we as an international population can allow this to happen. more to the point, those US soldiers involved in the camp itself. thery're humans too, how can they commit these crimes with no questioning or rejection. how easy it is to mislead.
i shook my head and laughed when the UK Journalist had this to say, "for every one inmate imprisoned, they havent locked up and tortured a terrorist, they've just created another 10 terrorists. this camp is the creation of terrorism."
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