Developed by Monsanto, the world's largest genetic engineering company based in the US. Monsanto tried to suppress the test data but it was obtained by Greenpeace, following a court case. The same data was available to the national regulator, Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ), in 2004 yet FSANZ failed to assess it, relying solely on Monsanto’s analyses. Makes you want to just forget about shopping at your local chain stores. Buy up some land and just grow your own produce organically ... but wait, in order to grow something non Genetically Engineered / altered, you would need GE free seed. No second guess who supplies the market with standardised GE grains for growing. Farmers now days cant keep last years seeds. new seed is to be provided by Monsanto and other Corporate Agriculture Entities each season.
Knowledge is power, the more you know, the better decisions you can make next time you purchase your food. you can make a difference by thinking alot harder about organic and other quality produce. dont look at your bank balance ... thats what Monsanto is counting on.

FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD, now this is closer to my heart amigo because to a greater extent I can control what I put in my mouth but I have to admit it yes...yes...I'm addicted.
Lets see….. Monsanto, is this Bigbrother [O.W.’s Bigbrother] trying to control our food supply? Hmm . I don’t want to sound alarmist but me thinks so and what’s more its government backed. I believe the manipulation of our food in any way should be a crime.
It’s not only Monsanto who is culpable but many other food manufactures / producers, large and small, for manipulation and chemical degradation of our food and food supply.
Take Margarine, for thirty years we have been told butter is bad for you eat margarine. Yet if you look at the facts and explore the history of margarine some alarm bell should ring.
Margarine uses a process called hydrogenation, which is a process whereby oils that are normally liquid at room temperature are modified to remain solid. To do this the natural configuration of the fat molecule has to be changed to a state that is never found naturally in food. This process is called transconfiguration and the fats that have been changed are termed , you guessed it, TRANS FATTY ACIDS, TFAs.
Back in 1910 the process was patented and margarine was born. During the 1920 30s, the depression area it gained ground because as a butter substitute it was CHEAPER. Yep, us humans want every thing cheaper so to a certain extent we only have ourselves to blame. Margarine has an indefinite shelf life, I call these Frankenstein Foods, and to obtain this the manufacture subjects the fats to enormous heat, hydrogenation, deodorising, bleaching, and then at strategic points in the process artificial flavours, polyglycerol easters, vegetable gums, and antioxidants are added. My, doesn’t that sound healthy?!
Trans fatty acid is associated with a higher risk of developing coronary heart disease. Go figure.
They also suppress the immune system, cause cell membranes to leak, disrupting cell and body function beside being a known carcinogen.
Why do people choose an artificial food as their saviour from heart disease? Clever advertising fooled us again, or was it the boiling frog syndrome? Finally, its approved by all world health organisations! Now as you know I’m not a conspiratorial theorist but ………. Who makes the profit, and who is getting the payola?
Then there is the humble H2o element of which 65 to 70 % makes up our body. This is important to know really, as being the largest component of our make up if it is contaminated so are we, to a larger extent. ie If you weigh 60 kg around 40kg is water. Without it we would look like sultanas…..hmm an interesting thought? So I'm not fat! :)
Chlorine, fluoride and chemicals from farm runoff’s are in our water supply why let our kidneys and body be the filter for this muck, a good water filter makes good sense. Filter it before it gets to our body filters.
And here’s one your Mum should consider. Artificial sweeteners like saccharin and cyclamates cannot be metabolised or used by the body, which is why they have nil calorie and kilojoule values. Saccharin was banned in the US but was returned to the market after a huge outcry, despite the health risks which include bladder cancer. Seems we want to kill ourselves and so long as it tastes good it’s ok? You only get one calorie but what ells do you get? Aspartame is 200 tines sweeter than sugar and therefor less is used.Aspartame (Nutra-sweet) was (is)believed to be healthy but what is widely not known, aspartame once in the body converts into aspartic acid , phenylalanine (an amino acid) and methanol and is associated with poor muscular co-ordination and may adversely affect the brain.
Corn syrup HFCF is another man made genetically modified food found in many foods as a sucrose replacement. Diets high in HFCF’s can cause colorectal cancer and present studies suggest HFCS as being a major player in the obesity epidemic.
If it’s purported to be sugar free check what the replacement is.
Ok I’ve bored you enough with my soap box banter, as you can see this is a topic very close to my heart, no pun intended. In the last seven years I have become almost obsessed with the subject, JFK is second, so if you want to get me going just mention food additive or genetic modification!
Adios Muchachos.
David-and-Goliath confrontation between a Saskatchewan family farmer and biotech giant Monsanto, I thought this was the future ……..BUT it’s the now! Percy Schmeiser has argued that seeds from Monsanto's patented genetically-modified canola landed on his 1,400 acre farm near Bruno, east of Saskatoon, by accident. Monsanto has altered the plant's genes to make the canola resistant to Roundup, a Monsanto weed killer. Monsanto patented the gene and the process of inserting it into the seed. (They also patented Roundup which has just expired allowing a host of facsimiles onto the market, as good and half the price)
I remember seeing this on SBS just after arriving in Vic and it’s still going on?!. While idiot and corrupt governments manipulate our lives others more dangerous, surreptitiously are manipulating our foods. Seriously, I am not trying to create monsters or bogey men but there are some very concerning events in our midst, and I sincerely believe if we are not vigilant and let our government know our concerns by writing, phoning, meeting with local members, or any other means then we are doomed to suffer in our own ignorance.
Are we being fooled?
As a foot note Percy Schmeiser wife, is suing Monsanto for allowing their genetically-modified canola to contaminate her veggi patch, I love it, go girl GO.
Well that got me really thinking.....I will indever to finish all my artificially sweetend thing I have at home, and then give it a trial run to see if my weight changes for the worse. But hey I will give it a go.. it is like giving uo smokeing for some people.(I have been takeing these things now for so long!! But if it improves health, then how can I complain?
what can i say. thankyou for the intellectual spice Miguel, now to keep digging, and make more informed choices to better our health and future. i too share all your concerns, and i hope we can share what ever we find in an open forum such as this to better inform us, the random readers, and our families.
"I will indever to finish all my artificially sweetend thing I have at home" .... why cant you just throw them all out right away and change imediatly. the waters already boiling .... get out.
more info soon.
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