Pete's photos have so much depth and beauty to them. His keen eye for detail and immense technical ability truly bring his photography to the highest level, sure some could argue that it's hard to take a bad picture in hawaii, but his photos are more than just sunsets and pretty flowers, they're intricate, crisp looks into the unseen flora and fauna of his surroundings.
His unique perspectives give a fresh look at frequently photographed things and I cannot praise his work enough. He truly embodies flickr's spirit and is my absolute favorite photographer in this online community. everytime I visit his stream, I always end up getting lost in the images for hours and come with 15 new favorites. Bravo Pete and keep up the exquisite work!

Great Pic's, went into his "flicker". Thanks guy's for the info on the us navel base & cuba, very interesting!
his gecko pictures are amazing eh?
thought i might get Les's attention by posting something in her interest lol.
they're still on moorse code over there arent they?
The lighting in the gecko pics is unreal, I wonder how long it took to take and what film and apiture he used?
i think theres a fair bit of post processing in Photoshop, but never the less he captures the subjects so well. i think he may also use the new HDR format to shoot in. (think its HDR from memory) Hi Def Resolution...
basically u take a whole bunch of shots, all aperture settings, to get the gamut of exposures, then you use photoshop to combine them all, allows great shadows and hilights to coexist without normal problems of film shots.
lesson 0032 for today :)
all up it makes me want to visit hawaii
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