Without number one you will never go into the bizarre areas that are necessary to understand the forces that control this planet. Once you are faced with information that demolishes your belief system you will begin to edit what you have discovered and refuse to go where it is taking you.
Without number two, you will never communicate what you have found because you will be terrified of the consequences for you from the reaction of your friends, family and the public in general."
David Icke
January 1st 2001
Just listened to a C2C show with David Icke as a guest. He is a leader in the "Truth Movement" wave of the new century. Much like his peers in Alex Jones and Jim Marrs, he seeks the truth surrounding the core notions of "Why we are here", and How we have been fooled to believe in our 9-5 daily normal existance when there is so much more to our reality and purpose". Often ridiculed for his drastic extra terestrial theories. If nothing else his views and information should be seen as the grey that makes up the black and white we are told. its another source to digest and make up your own conclusions on. promoting you to think.
mind blowing to say the least. i will be making copies of the show and sending it out to those that want to hear. i'll post some more on Davids work in the coming week. Rich this is a 2 hour C2C show that i think you will love, and flows directly into your recent posts and thoughts.
more to come, i'll leave you with these thoughts from The Matrix.
"... I'm trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You're the
one that has to walk through it."

That's right just keep it all coming, I am soaking it all up!
We have a customer who comes into the book shop and has been since we opened. She is a great fan of Icke’s and got me interested, however after reading one of his books and doing some investigation of him on the net I don’t buy his reptilian theories. This underground world where a reptilian bloodline forms the Illuminati, is just too much for my inquiring grey matter.
The idea of an Illuminati, I do believe, there are a number of powerful families / consortiums, that I have no doubt control the politicians of the world amongst them the Bilderberg Group. And while Icke thinks Bush is one of the reptilian bloodline, I think he’s just a week little puppet manipulated by men in the shadows.
One of the simplest conspiracy theories to de bunk is the "Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon?," 600,000 government employees were able to keep a secret for 30 years -- until FOX found out. I guess we can all talk now.
When I’m doing my conspiratorial researching to keep things in perspective I remind myself of Gordon Liddy’s answer to a question asked by a reporter on conspiracy theories. He said three people can keep a secret as long as two of them are dead.
If you want to read something of real value get a hold of some of Carl Sagan’s thoughts. The great astronomer and science writer challenges New Agers and explains social phenomena like UFOs, alien abductions, recovered memories, satanic cults, witch crazes, hallucinations. AND…….how to detect baloney.Fasinating.
Check out : www.skeptic.com, just to keep some balance.
yeh his reptilian theories are pretty far out, hehe hence why i added the picture :) glad you knew about him.
my point was that he's got some great ideas and theories to base from and search onwards. using his motives of finding your own truths.
little pieces of the larger puzzles.
thanks for the balancing info's as well. i'll check em out. most of those names i recognise from C2C :)
I understand amigo, and you are right he does make you think, he just doesn’t make me believe.
The Creature From the Black Lagoon I saw in 1955 with your Gran she loved the unexplained !!!!!!! It frightened the pants off me…..God I’m old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tisk, Tisk, Tisk..........
skip to 1993, im 11 or so, im watching Stephen Kings "IT" with my Mom, scared the BJezuz! outa me haha.
hows that for generational synchronisity eh. i must say it seems to run in the blood. why then are we all not artists and creatives? hehe. changing that one day at a time.
all in all ive learnt NEVER to reject anything, no matter how far out there. the door is always open. yes it may be far fetched, extreme and fake, i may lean to disbelief, but i never reject the idea or possibility.....
like Mulder once said.
Your absolutely right Mate, learning and living are the same. When you stop learning, you start to die a little every day. There’s scientific evidence links between brain cells that can re-grow at any age if you give them some exercise. Your brain is a case of “use it or lose it.” I NEED MORE EXERSISE ! Look at what your one article has generated.
More reading about our own Pollies.
Book Name : Silencing Dissent
How the Australian government is controlling public opinion and stifling debate
A frightening analysis of the tactics used by the Howard government to silence independent experts and commentators as well as public servants and organisations which criticise its policies. Silencing Dissent is a timely, disturbing and unnerving book'
For over a decade, the Howard government has found ways to silence its critics, one by one. Like the proverbial frog in boiling water, Australians have become accustomed to repeated attacks on respected individuals and organisations. For a government which claims to support freedom of speech and freedom of choice, only certain kinds of speech and choices appear to be acceptable.
Silencing Dissent uncovers the tactics used by John Howard and his colleagues to undermine dissenting and independent opinion. Bullying, intimidation, public denigration, threats of withdrawal of funding, personal harassment, increased government red tape and manipulation of the rules are all tools of trade for a government that wants to keep a lid on public debate. The victims are charities, academics, researchers, journalists, judges, public sector organisations, even parliament itself.
Deeply disturbing, Silencing Dissent raises serious questions about the state of democracy in Australia.
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