Curiously ... here, we watch the great homodomoape.
aftering sitting in the wild grasslands of the great african lanscapes we finally managed to capture this rare footage. Never before seen audio and video, enlighten us on the closest relative we have in the global ecosystem ... Fascinating as we take you now to "Conversations with Homodomoapes .."

[right homodomoape] "Steve, ... psst Stevo, i think we're being watched again man. bloody humans and their reality documentaries. I mean i was just saying to Janice the other day that Billy should never have been kicked out of Big Brother for eating his own fleas..."
[left homodomoape] "Dave, ...."
[right homodomoape] "Yeh Stevie Devie? want me to scratch your back?"
[left homodomoape] "You say one more word and i swear i'll use this pebble here to knock some sense into you... Wait, that would be evolution talking again."

[right homodomoape] "now, i know i left my car keys somewhere round here last night ..." "maybe if i pretend to look the other way, they will magically fall out of your rear."

[right homodomoape] "somebody say .... LEAPFROG!!!"
[middle homodomoape] "im gonna regret this in the morning ... wait, it is the morning... oh boy."
[left homodomoape] "guess that's what happens when you loose your car keys and someone yells leapfrog eh. A brothers gotta know when to shake and bake i guess"
*random shots from the gamepark 2006. sorting photos for a design project, these guys just struck my funny bone.*
There is hope for the human race after all?
Gosh some other seanes come to mind that we have all gone through when going through the game parks. They sure are makuks!! Need to see some more of the game park shots, as these we never saw....
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