What Robert Kennedy might have done as president is one of history's great-unanswered questions. His death also prompted many to ask – why was he murdered?
Although the grief over Robert Kennedy's death has subsided over the years, the suspicious circumstances about the assassination have grown. Opinion polls over the past 35 years have shown that a majority of Americans believe his murder was part of a larger conspiracy. The list of culprits has grown as the years have passed, including organized crime, who wanted Kennedy dead because of his crack-down on the mob, the military-industrial complex, who feared he would put an end to the war in Vietnam, rogue elements of the CIA bent on revenge for the Kennedy brothers' abandonment of the Bay of Pigs exiles during their 1961 invasion of Cuba, Western ranchers upset with his support for migrant farm workers, the KKK and the American Nazi party, upset with his support for civil rights, and a Greek shipping magnet who wanted to rid himself of his ‘nemesis'.
The HISTORY CHANNEL has just aired their latest feature documentary on the RFK Assassination, and i have a digital copy for those who wish to see it. i'll pass it on as soon as i get a moment. Time has a way of sweeping facts and questions under the rug. Many would want us to forget these events, to not draw the lines between the dots, to keep rolling with the status quo and fall in fear and blind trust, the next time the powers that be impose their agenda. How different would the world be today if RFK or JFK would have survived their assassinations.
CRIME MAGAZINE : full history article