Friday, April 27, 2007

"Cui bono"

Barrie Zwicker is an independent documentary producer, author and social and political activist. Prior to December 2003, Zwicker was the resident media critic (the only such in Canada) for 15 years with Vision TV, Canada's only independent not-for-profit TV channel and the world's first multi-faith TV channel. In the 2001-2002 Zwicker hosted "VisionTV Insight", a weekly half-hour commercial-free alternative look at the media, One series titled "What Really Happened on Sept. 11th?" - made him the first mainstream television journalist in the world to go on air and deeply question the official story of the events of 9/11. The commentaries elicited the greatest response of any programming in the channel's history. The response was literally 99% positive. The series became known as "The Great Deception"

Synopsis of Barrie Zwinker's DVD releases are below. I've recently acquired copies of both and i can pass these to anyone who wants to view them. Watch and keep an open mind as always. Make your own conclusions. Spread this information as you see fit.

THE GREAT DECEPTION - The War on Terrorism - An Alternative View. DOCUMENTARY
Media critic Barrie Zwicker, is one of the few North American journalists to offer an alternative viewpoint on the Sept. 11 tragedy. In this provocative six-part series of Media file commentaries, he challenges the official explanation for the attacks and considers the troubling implications of America’s new war. Poring over a wealth of published material, Zwicker finds much that has gone unexamined – from the apparent breakdown of American air defenses on Sept. 11, to the longstanding ties between U.S. intelligence and Osama bin Laden. He also takes a hard look at the actions of President George W. Bush in the midst of the crisis. And he ventures to ask what role U.S. oil interests may have played in these events. Ultimately, it compels the viewer to ponder the unanswered question: Whose interests are really served by the “war on terrorism”?

THE GREAT CONSPIRACY: The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw. DOCUMENTARY
is a 70-minute sequel to The Great Deception, In The Great Conspiracy, Zwicker analyses the use of fear to befuddle the public, and deconstructs the so-called "war on terrorism" as a public control mechanism. He then examines in depth the failure of the military to function on 9/11 and the entirely inappropriate behaviour of the president and his aides that day. Finally, the resistance of the White House to any proper investigation, the extreme taintedness of the 9/11 commission and its drastic underperformance are examined. Throughout, the compliance and complicity of the mainstream media in maintaining a trance of ignorance is addressed. And the responsibility of each thinking citizen emphasized at the end.




Great Conspiracy : OFFICIAL SITE


Anonymous said...

Someone shoot or get rid of the idiot!

Anonymous said...

The problem Cele is not this buffoon Bush, he is the puppet of the men in the shadows, the same ones who corrupted the American voting system and sent naive kids to attack a sovereign country on concocted lies. The same ones who killed the Kennedy’s, you see they can if they want, but he’s too valuable to them. It’s all about power, and to gain power you need money, money is the means to get that power.
We need to be looking at corporate companies and how to limit their power / size.
Ask your informed son about The Bilderberg group.

Anonymous said...

It is not just advertising agencies that study our minds in pursuit of our wallets. Right-wing political machines study our minds to keep us a fearful and bewildered herd, ceding more and more of our rights and liberties to them so they will become ever more powerful.”

SHAUN FOX said...

Here Here my friend.
The Bilderberg group .... oh my, what a can of worms we could go into there lol. a very few elite control the masses, and it has done so for as long as we have walked. i'll dig and post on the matter soon. David Icke talks about it in his Fascism or Freedom doco, i'll pass on with RFK soon.

the point is everyone gets distracted by this texan buffon, without seeing the strings behind him, questioning why and who pulls those strings. and more importantly for what purpose. Bush and his next in line will always be the puppet. RFK and JFK stood against the shadow men, they felt the consequence.

people get stuck at point A, even the left wing media force this "Bush is the problem" rubbish down our throats, without going further ... without questioning. this is why C2C and other such media sources are so important, to join those dots, or aleast pull the curtain slightly back so we can see some of the other dots and agendas.

ahhh i regress, Mike we need to have a chinwag sometime soon :) would be fantastic to bouce ideas off you in real life. sooner than later.


Anonymous said...

I’m looking forward to those beers with you, swapping ideas, theories and debating late …early into the morning.
Last DVD/CD’s sent as requested:
1. Iraq for Sale, [Very good a real wake up call to the power hungry ]
2. Global Warming Swindle, [Baa Baa Baa I’m awake….!]
3. John Lear : Secrets Revealed, [ Some intelligent stuff but also some unintelligent stuff , no proof or backing but interesting points of view]
4. Soviet UFO’s, [still to listen to]
5. Roswell Special, [some interesting agendas, still no answers!]
6. Okalahoma Bomb & Soviet UFO incidents, [looking forward to this one]
7. UFO Activity James Giuiland, [still to listen to]
8. Underground & Undersea Facilities. [still to listen to]
No wonder you can’t remember, there’s a lot of wonderful information here amigo!!
Buenas noches my friend.