Tiffany Bozic
Illustrator / Fine Artist
Tiffany Bozic may be a young artist, but her paintings speak wisely of age-old thoughts and themes. Working with acrylic paint and wood, Tiffany lets her materials dictate what their fate should be. “I have always had an immense and probably very bizarre admiration for wood. I always felt like I relate to the currents and movements of the grain. When I look at a blank piece of wood, I see something swimming around in the grain already, it isn’t so conscious,” she explains. “I am following something inside me that finds a resolution only after going through a physical transformation by bringing it into existence. This is a slow process for me, I really don’t have any control over it. Whatever it is, it’s much more intelligent than I am.” Bozic says the experience is very intense and that she only “follows the orders” to fully understand what shape these visions will take on.
Recently caught Tiffany at the Perth edition of the Semi-Permanent Art / Design / Conference. still trying to pick my jaw from the ground. an amazing show full of inspiration. cheers to all involved, its just a tarnish that its now becoming a target for the wagon hopping "sponsors", to market their products at the young and absorbing minds. Andrew ... remember at heart, this shouldnt be for profit, this should be for the growth and inspiration of a new generation of creatives and artists, who will lead the world in communication. bring Perth a full show next time, lets cut the bullshit of transport costs and crowd turnouts. give us a go.

Absolutely beautiful art, my kind indeed....
Awesome.. why aren't there more creative people like this in the world? I just visited her site and would love to see her work in the flesh.
She is a fantastic artist and down to earth american. she spoke at the recent design art conference i went to and had the crowd in the palm of her hand.
The whole west coast / San Fransico scene is full of similar creative types, just waiting to become famous :) we just dont hear about them this far away, thats why Semi-Permanent and the net is so great.
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