Monsanto's development and marketing of genetically engineered seed and bovine growth hormone,have made the company controversial around the world and a primary target of the anti-globalization movement and environmental activists.
Monsanto was founded in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1901, by John Francis Queeny, a 30-year veteran of the pharmaceutical industry. The company's first product was the artificial sweetener saccharin, which it sold to the Coca-Cola Company. It also introduced caffeine and vanillin to Coca-Cola, and became one of that company's main suppliers. In 1954, Monsanto partnered with German chemical giant Bayer to form Mobay and market polyurethanes in the US. In the 1960s and 1970s, Monsanto became the leading producer of Agent Orange for US Military operations in Vietnam. Other major products have included dioxin (in the herbicides 2,4,5-T and Agent Orange), aspartame (NutraSweet), bovine somatotropin (bovine growth hormone; BST), and PCBs. Monsanto scientists became the first to genetically modify a plant cell in 1982. Five years later, Monsanto conducted the first field tests of genetically engineered crops.
In the 1990's Monsanto conducted genetically modified (a.k.a. Terminator genes) Cotton trials in India through its subsidiary Cargill Seeds. It generated stiff opposition from the Indian Farmers and one of its Plants in Karnataka State was pulled down by protestors within hours and finally the Indian Government banned the company from continuing further. Throughout 2004 and 2005, Monsanto filed lawsuits against many small farmers in Canada and the U.S. The lawsuits have been on the grounds of patent laws, specifically the sale of crops containing Monsanto's patented genes as a result of wind carrying seeds from neighboring crops. As of February of 2005, Monsanto has also filed patent claims on common breeding techniques for pigs which would grant the ownership of any pigs born of such techniques and their related herds.
i generally thought this info and the Aspartame crisis was common knowledge, but it seems many still need to be alerted to the dangers. i hope this can be a forum for us to all share our concerns and information in an open fashion.
Monsanto 'suicide seeds'
Monsanto files patent for new invention: the pig
Monsanto detailed history

1 comment:
Well they say we learn something new everyday and I must say I never knew about Monsanto!! Again the power of money dictates what we are told hey? Very interesting.
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