Channel 5 documentary from 12/26/06 which chronicles David Icke's career to present day, and asks the big question - Was he right? We are all beginning to find the answers as we go along. A very impartial and fair documentary, thanks to the net, i have copies for anyone who wants to view, and i shall be passing them on asap.
This is the most accurate portrayel the "media" has shown of him to date, apparantly the programmes producer was one of the very few that attended Icke lectures whilst he was at university in the mid 90's and recently approached him with regards to making a documentary profile to be shown on network tv.

Geesh!! So much to read &
Keep it comming
yeh ... see what happens when you dont keep up to date eh! :)
thanks for the eyes and ears.
im waiting for my july break to watch all i have, and enjoy the long docos.
I love this sentence…….We are all beginning to find the answers as we go along.
Ain’t that the truth.
I agree with Icke’s Illuminati ["Global Elite" "Men in the Shadows"] theories and being a freethinker I would like to know more about his ideas as a hole. Whether or not the Bavarian Illuminati survived, there is no doubt in my mind that an Illuminati exists today, one evidence is the Iraqi war. The intention to establish a world government through assassination, bribery, blackmail, the control of banks and other financial powers, the infiltration of governments, mind control, and by causing wars and revolution to move their own people into higher positions in the political hierarchy is evident throughout the world.
I have difficulty with his idea that the Illuminati are a race of reptilian humanoids, however that aside his New Age aspect of philosophy concurs with mine.
If at all possible amigo I would appreciate a copy, but do your studies first!
Knowledge is all we can take with us to the grave, It is the only thing that truly belongs to us. Stay informed and we won’t be fooled again.
yeh the next 4 weeks will be intense for me, so bare with me being in my spiderhole for awhile.
but i will still be bloggin, that allows my mind to run around the block for 30mins :)
i also believe in this Illuminati elite, but at a grass roots level i still feel we have the power to change, to not follow the sheep. ive read and seen too many things in doing this to realise, all is possible... the question of "But.. What If?" will always be the torch for me.
if nothing else Icke pushes us to just think outside our squares for 10mins. isnt that refreshing?
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