1. No steel-framed building before or since 9/11 has ever collapsed due to fire.
2. No official agency (FAA, FBI, or the airlines) has ever released a list of the 9/11 passengers. But within hours, the FBI released a list of the hijackers.
3. Multiple air-defense drills were planned for the morning of 9/11. These exercises left only two fighter jets available to protect the entire Northeastern United States.
4. Building 7, a 47-story skyscraper and part of the World Trade Center complex, was not struck by a plane but collapsed in 6.5 seconds at 5:20 p.m. on September 11th, in the exact manner of a controlled demolition.
5. There was no visible airplane debris where Flight 93 supposedly crashed in Pennsylvania – only a smoking hole in the ground, much like a bomb crater.
6. Office fires burn at low temperatures of 600-800 dF. Jet fuel is an ordinary hydrocarbon; its maximal burning temperature is 1200 dF in open air. Steel melts at 2750 dF. Neither jet fuel nor the burning contents of the buildings could cause the towers’ steel structure to buckle or fail.
7. Tests have shown that cell-phone calls cannot be made at altitudes over 4000 to 8000 feet, as cell towers are located on the ground. Commercial airplanes fly at 30,000 feet and above. No passenger could have successfully placed a call for help by cell phone from an airborne plane on 9/11, as reported.
8. 9/11 was immediately declared an “act of war” by President Bush. The rubble from the Twin Towers’ collapse was carted away and the steel sold and shipped overseas without examination.
9. Enormous profits were made by insiders on plummeting stock prices of the two airlines involved in 9/11 – American and United. Federal law protects their identities.
10. Accepting victims’ compensation barred 9/11 families from further discovery through litigation.
To download and print copies of this list, visit 911WeKnow.com. Pass around and engage in discussion! Just presenting questions that need to be asked. Aren't we all glad we live in a country that accepts our freedoms of free speech. That could change if we go along with the "Official Story". Drop the fear, don't just ask the questions, Demand the answers... before they pull another 9/11 rabbit from the hat.

Thankyou for keeping me informed on the SBS coming programs my little Mate. Just finished seeing part one of The Trap I do appreciate Adam Curtis's journalism. His insight into Thatcherisim was fascinating.
No worries.
I havent gotten to "The Trap" yet myself, UNI provides many sleepless nights already :) hehe.
but ive got more material just in to spread soon as well. thankyou for your interest and open mindedness Miguel. there are too many out there not willing to even sit down for a spare hour and see what the "otherside" has to say ...
yes thats you Kevin Clements.
Entering into conversation of a controversial or contentious nature can be confronting for many people and if it may place their credibility on the line they tend to go with the flow. I believe this is one of the main reasons why we have so many ‘closed minds’. Then there are those of us like Gayle who are partly unable to grasp the immenseness of the intricacies and therefor don’t follow any line even though their mind is open to alternate thinking. If I said to her “Did you know there are as many grains of sand as there are stars” she would be genuinely surprised and believingly say ‘Oh wow” and then go on to tell me how exiting the book is she is reading.
Where as I would prefer a debate, ‘How do you come to that conclusion?” which then leads into more questions and answers. I am a born investigator and love new knowledge as you do. I also like to test my theories and ideas even if they are out on a limb, test the envelope…….
Keep testing Amigo.
always pushing that envelope. watch it bend.
i hope Gayle can get more involved, or interested. when we get deeper and deeper and start realising this isnt just interesting, but vitally important to our future, our planet, our children. we can do something. we are doing something.
wow, alot of commenting to catch up on all round :) thanks for the virtual ears.
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