Acclaimed director Robert Greenwald, with movies such as, (Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price, Outfoxed, and Uncovered) takes you inside the lives of soldiers, truck drivers, widows and children who have been changed forever as a result of corporate greed in the reconstruction of Iraq. Iraq for Sale uncovers the connections between private security companies making a killing in Iraq and the decision makers who allow them to do so.
Rich, this needs to go out to your friends in the Military. Eyes need to be opened, this isn't about Democracy, Protecting Civilians, Fighting Terrorism . ... it's about creating the false pretense for a war in which International Corporations could plunder resources and gain record profits among other things. Yes this is taken from an American standpoint, but look between the lines, our Australian troops are there on the front lines, as well as participating security forces. As usual i have a copy of this latest doco and will gladly pass it to those that wish to see it.
Robert Greenwald : OFFICIAL SITE

Very interesting Shaun, what a bum deal the ordinary soldiers are being dealt. Contractor.. that's just another name for "old fashioned mercenary" right?? What are they doing to a young generation? Just another Vietnam yeh!!
we used to fight to protect our liberties and freedoms it seemed. there was once a time that young men dieing for a greater cause was justifiable, so everyone believed.
we will never face those times again. unless we face a civil war of the public vs the government. the everyday man taking up arms and fighting for his own liberties, and not the nations fictitious freedom.
the sad thing is back in Vietnam there was this cultural revolution, a generation that took a stand against the war and its government. now there's barely a wimper. people are too brainwashed in their box lives. the media is controlled to deliver us their message instead of "the facts figures and real news".
but im optimistic. i have too much time left here to just give up and sit on a farm. many hands make light work, questioning, thinking and doing what our media fails to.
i pity the fools that sign their lives away to our military machines these days. they dont even question what or who they're fighting for.
these aliens need to show up pretty soon and set things straight :) lol
i'll be supplying this DOCO to the usual people. mail me if you want to see it.
Iraq for Sale, what an exposé but you know what, the main stream Americans just don’t get it. They are so blinded by patriotism and inward thinking, as the Roman, Greek, and British Empires were they cannot see the real dangers, their Government and corporate companies. The ground swell of knowledge, like what you are doing Shaun, informing those with open minds will prevail but how long will it take and how much harm will be done in the mean time?
You are absolutely correct Shaun when you say we used to fight to protect our liberties. I recall doing just that. I like many, your dad included were called up to protect ‘our liberties’ against communism. At seventeen I was too young to vote and too naive not to believe ‘The Government’. But old enough to die!. This is exactly why young men are sent to war. At twenty five I began reasoning. What about all those who died fighting communism, which ultimately killed it’s self?.
We have to realise that Governments are installed by us ‘The People’ they should do our bidding not the corporate companies agendas.
Have you seen Michael Moore’s ‘Fahrenheit 9/11” ?
You are right to keep your optimism up Shaun, and it is people like yourself that will ultimately prevail.
We wont be fooled again.
PS: The doco sÃ, gracias don Quijote
This is why i love this brown land so much, yet day by day we seem to be following the stars and stripes, keeping up and kissing ass.
zipping into the USA last year was a shock to the system in terms of the extreme Patriotism expressed in every form. they have been blinded and brainwashed for so long on these false ideals. I love Bill Hick's stance, in saying he wasnt from the USA, he was from earth. i mean really, how stupid is it that we refine ourselves down this way.
terrorism, the new 21st century communism? are we as a mass ever going to stop and look at whats going on?
Wake Up.
I Just viewed “ The Great Global Warming Swindle” man am I a sheep or what! Baa Baaa Baa, Without doing any of my own investigating I have allowed my self to be duped by all these global warming theories. This doco has made me sit up… stand up, and re-evaluate the whole theory, I’ve got a rabbit hole to go and investigate!
You are spot on re terrorism taking over from communism, keep the population scared and focused on one thing while they do the magic trick behind their back.
From the Vietnam days I’ve realised that corporate companies play a large role behind governments particularly when wars are involved. But I never new just how much and how they call in favours. What a revealing doco, thanks amigo I’m going to watch it again to try to absorb the ramifications. Greed for power. Startling stuff.
Cheers, im just a channel for the information. the real credit goes to those putting their necks out, the investigators and film makers. maybe visit their site and drop them some emails of thanks.
Agreed on the global warming scenario. i stand with one foot on each side, absorbing both sides as best as possible. i may sway soon enough. C2C is trying to get Al Gore to come on the show to debate a roundtable of scientists LIVE. lets hope he has the balls, so to speak.
I'll do just that but you can take some credit, you brought it to my attention.
I am very sceptical about the train of thought on Global warming now after seeing this doco, it has prompted me to seek more info. Does Gore have the credentials or has he another agenda? Why do I mistrust politicians so much????
I smell an undercurrent of an agenda. a ploy for mass public support to fuel a late inclusion to the 2008 race for the presidential office.
we will see in 12 months.
Good for people to know.
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