What im talking about is the latest flurry of UFO sightings in the states, of what appear to be a giant mechanical flying object, not your typical saucer shaped UFO, but rather a disturbingly abstract flying craft which seems more alien than anything we've ever seen in our night sky. (view the images as we go along) usually i dont like to jump on these band wagons because its like pandoras box, you start to document one, and sure enough, your documenting 50 weird cases by the end of the week.
So why have i latched onto this one? because the pieces to the puzzle are revealing something of a bigger picture, and the rabbit hole seems deep with this one. tagged by many journalists as the "Drone" UFO incidents, this story first came to my eyes round early June. late into the game i checked out what i could and immediately thought of the story to be fake from my initial glances of the photos from "eye witnesses", showing images of crafts in the sky, too strange to be real, and easily dismissed as photoshop material.
But a little digging proved there's more to this story, and as usual i'd like to think my open eyes and open thoughts allow an unclouded judgement to prevail, im not saying this is 100% real, im just saying view all the evidence so far as i have and think about the possibilities. as this story progressed, mainly from Coast to Coast AM updates and investigative reports from Linda Moulton Howe (earthfiles.com) things began to become less fake and very realistic. i'll try not to ramble on too much here as its easy to get carried away with so much information coming to light. to sum up the situation is this ....
Over the past months various eye witness's around the states have begun to report and photograph what appears to be a flying object (not saucer shaped) massive in size, silent and floating. the craft, tagged as "the Drone" is made up of conjoined parts which seem like bits from a scrap yard junk sale, appearing incapable of flight let alone passenger transportation. with various sightings and photographs being documented online and on air, suddenly out of nowhere comes Isaac, an alias for someone who claims they are from a classified government organisation, who through the 80s, worked on alien technology that now appears to be involved with these Drone sightings. now if your interested i urge you to go on and do a bit of investigating yourself, read up from the links provided, download Isaac's documents, form your own conclusions, and like me watch for developments, because you know the 6 o'clock news will never showcase this.
So how close are we to the truth? or is this just another fake story to sweep under the rug. your thoughts are welcomed, i'll try and keep up with this one as it expands. eyes peeled.
CHAD'S REPORT: Strange Craft
ISAAC DOCUMENTS: Full Disclosure Here?
EARTHFILES: Scroll Down for Full Reports

BTW ... why hasnt Isaac's site gone down yet? or would that just fuel the truth fire ....
Well im off for about a week without a net connection so bare with me folks, i'll catch up with the discussions here when i get back, in the mean time im always available via email.
More news on the "Drones" soon...
take care all.
Yes, I found this very interesting, and because I want to believe, the more I do believe. I think there is so much to be told to the general public with regard to all the bits and pieces of info we have had dribbled out to us,
Again I think the Drones thing is human made and is still experimental for us.But the question is what for?
Take care with the move......
Well while i still have access here at work i'll drop a line. yeh this Drone thing is fascinating i think, but its more military then extra terrestrial i think. never the less i recon its real, and opens a can of worms.
moving going fine. more news soon.
Ps. Thx to RIch for his help moving, mucho gracias ameigo
i had a look at this a few days back on earthfiles.com and to me the in the photos the spacecraft looked too clean to sit in those photos and way to still
it would have to have been shot at extremely high shutter speed to get an image that clear no?
on another note... i am also with the train of thought that something like this would be a grand discovery, ufos and aliens and all and would love to believe, BUT i am a very undecided person with stuff like this! i cannot decide one way or another until i have proof one way or another. like god, no proof he (or she) is there or not, until god speaks to me i cant say either way!
so i dont know!
crazy looking thin g anyway. but photoshop is always a possibility! i should know ;) hehe
ive been involved in similiar things.
PS: the craft looks like its been rendered from a 3D program using a special rendering program called brazil. it can give you the most realistic looking images by creating great light sources!
something else to dwell on i suppose!
the shadows on the last one make me sway this way! but like i said in my previous post i cant know!
yeh i agree with your points mate, and i neither sway one way or the other. if it was just the images to have been released, i would have been more skeptical, but with the release of documents from Isaac it adds more credibility.
maybe the documents are real, the anti grav device is real, Isaac is real .... but to fuel the flame, maybe the images have been created to stir the storm of attention.
i cant put my finger on it ... but theres some truth here. somewhere. open minds.
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