the house has its good's and bad's but all up its just a pain in the ass to move all you have, in 2 days and then try and get it back in order so that your normal life can continue. this is made more difficult by the fact that before i can unpack and resume .... anything, i have to paint 3 bedrooms, previously occupied by kids who felt the need to cover every single wall with the brightest of neon cotton candy colours, and have wallpaper strips running all the way around. excuse me while i begin to swear loudly ..... .... ..
so, i paint, i paint some more, i try and think of some good times, i paint some more, i unbox some more. please excuse me for a week or so if i owe you freelance work or emails. trust me it aint happenin anytime soon. the apple is still very much boxed up. not only do i not have a phone line, internet connection, I DON'T EVEN HAVE GAS YET TO COOK WITH OR TO HAVE A HOT SHOWER!
DAY 01.
but eh, look on the bright side .... im closer to the world famous "Caversham Wildlife Park" ...

Cheech offered to paint the back patio ... how could i refuse ?
PS. anyone know a good safe way to take off a wallpaper strip border from walls before repainting a room? Bunnings here I come. more updates from works internet connection whilst still possible.
Oh Sh.. , well it's colorful :). When did Cheech get back?? LOL
No GAS!! What the..... ? Get on the buzzer to Alinta, (they have a 24 hour service!!)
One consolation is that everything is now moved... the sorting will just take time.
congrats mate!
youre in the REAL world now hehe
living it up like a king im sure! lol
solution for wallpaper? paint over it! eheh or more wallpaper! perhaps google it!? i find google a wealth of useless but sometimes (but not very often) useful information! helpful to the average joe
PS: deigo just ordered first tattoo machine, here is photo :) cant wait for my new toy to arrive!
disasters averted all round, gas is on, paint is bought, wallpaper solution has been found :) ... (advice was to soak it in sugarsoap and scrape away)
nice machine Alec, still have to drag myself down to your shop one day and see what happens :)
more soon chaps.
You put that link 'Dont click here...' just for me Don Quijote. You knew I would click it and go where no other human has gone before...wild life?!
watch out for those Caversham Leopards and Gorillas .... or was that more like lizards and goannas .. :)
painting is over for now according to the home owner :) time to move all my stuff into the rooms and setup.
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