Yup, 60 years on, have we gotten any closer to knowing what really happened on that day in July 1947? for the western world this sole incident marked the turning point for the creation and ongoing intervention of governments, military and covert organisations in shutting down the UFO and Extra Terrestrial phenomena as we know it. from this day onwards we realised we were not alone, and that something out there not only posed an unidentifiable threat to us, but also no longer were we on top of the food chain.
Its times like these i think of Col. Philip Corso's reports of the incident and military interventions. the coverups and later military funded black op developments of alien technology for the military and industrial complex. the creation of secret organisations to shut down every UFO encounter or incident which may open the publics eyes to the lies and deceptions.
think of where we would be today without those alien technologies, and then think what they've held back from us? and why. the biggest eggs in the basket as far as i can see would be antigravity and a free energy source. i'll make no bones about it in terms of i feel we already know about these technologies and the powers that be have locked them away in the x-file cabinet.
can you imagine a world where we are no longer dependent on oil? fossil fuels? pollution? where with a flick of a switch we can be freed from our earthly surrounds, where the stars are just round the corner? a world where we finally realise we are not alone, we are one humanity, exploring the galaxy and our purpose? .... but then again where's the profit in that world? remember the lessons of Roswell.
WIKI: Roswell Incident
ROSWELL: Basic Facts
BOOK: The Day After Roswell

"I Want To Believe"
We visited Roswell in 1997 for the 50th anniversary. Great fun a lot of the motels have alien oriented names with pictures and or placards of flying saucers and the lamp post glass looks like alien heads. A fun place to visit.
i can't help but feel thats sad, Roswell now stands as everything wrong with UFO and ET research and disclosure as we know it in the 21st century.
its now "just a tourist attraction" its become a thing of myth, an epicenter of fake bandwagon jumpers who can only see the next dollar they can make from the next saucer gimic. all they do is continue to blind people to the reality of taking this topic and incident seriously.
its the prime example of how the UFO / alien topic has just been so marginalised to myth and fiction. people need to wake up and realise this happened, it changed the world as we know it, we need answers, we demand proof and serious investigation. this isnt about some hollywood fairytale from "days gone by" this is about finding out who we are in this ocean of chaos and to realise ....
we are not alone.
i think youre spot on there about the $$$ and the govt and oil
they stand to make no money and will have much less control without oil.
these guys need to look at the bigger picture and save the planet before we destroy it or ourselves, whichever comes first!!
if they do actually have this technology perhaps they have not figured it out completely? it could be very dangerous floating and not knowing how to get back down!!
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