hands up those who have seen the movie "Sin City" ? ok then you should all know who Frank Miller is and what he does. no ? ok quick history lesson, famous graphic novel writer and artist who through the late 90s created world famous stories, focusing on his strong black and white art and adult drama themes. suddenly with the explosion in hollywood of every studio seeking the next greatest "comic book movie" Frank's got his chance.
following on from Sin City, and the upcoming Sin City 2, Frank's latest book to film is 300. a retelling of the ancient Battle of Thermopylae in which King Leonidas (played by Gerard Butler) and 300 Spartans fought to the death against Xerxes and his massive Persian army. Facing insurmountable odds, their valor and sacrifice inspire all of Greece to unite.
the point for me is seeing Franks work come to life on the big screen. from the pages and imagination of his art, with the aid of modern CGI, to the visual art of film. check out the pics below for a clear comparison of art and scenes from the novel translated to film. incredible! click the pics for larger formats. and the trailer is linked below.
check check check it out ...

original art from the graphic novel

snapshots of how the art / novel to film adaption has been done. notice the use of green screens which allow for the digital departments to add all the exterior details in after filming. digital film, saving money on props and locations. the film industry is changing. click the pics for enlarged verisons.