is the first thought i recon you will all be having. things have been busy in terms of grinding the wheels of work, and not much play lately, so hence not much to report. working part time at HR means i cant take paid leave, so what ever i miss in terms of days, i need to catch up on when i arrive back. so ive been working my tail off full time for 3 weeks + freelance on top of that + University applications and the list goes on. im now back into the swing of things with 2 days a week dedicated to freelance and portfolio.
well SYDNEY is all go!
Mark and I have booked and paid for all flights and accommodation, and cant be happier. really excited to hit the east coast again for an extended break before i possible start UNI. Richard has also pulled through with funds for flights and accommodation. this i hope is all out of his own pocket, but i cant control parental assistance :) the point of this journey for him is not to "to see a band" its to get him to achieve a positive short term goal, make some personal sacrifices of time and money and see the results of his hard work. its not about getting handed a plane ticket. you tend to respect and appreciate things a bit more when you've had to sell your left kidney for a plane ticket :) ..... just joking kids
lastly ive recently grabbed a movie called "Loose Change" 2nd edition.
you may or may not have heard about it, but im making copies and sending them out. once you see it please pass it onto friends and family. its a documentary produced about 911 and the conspiracies surrounding the facts we all know. its a fascinating watch and thought provoking to think, "what really happened?". it poses questions that we all have forgotten to ask, especially our 6PM mainstream media. keep an open mind, comments welcome. visit the website below for more info.

views from the Y Hotel in SYD CBD, the first stop for our trip...

picked this little critter up out of the second hand shop :) purs like a kitten and will be used for UNI and Freelance work outside of the office .. PB 1.67Mhz 2G RAM 128VRAM 100G HDD DVD-DL ... just cant beat that in the old PPC Macs. this will be the new machine for Bloggin while in SYD aswell.
Looks exciting. Keep doin what you'r doin Shaun, Mom
appreciate the feedback.
can't stop now :) the can's been opened!
i was tagging my MP3 collection the other day and came across recordings of the tool shows we went to in 2002. you forget what it was like .... until i played them. i just closed my eyes and it was like i was there again, like a jumpstart to the brain. cant wait for JAN 07
Rich is gonna lose his mind!
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