OH YEHH!!! and then i reflected on all the street corners we crossed and i kinda felt i had seen more StarBucks than golden arches through manhattan? then the responce "whats StarBucks?"
so this post should clear things up for all those out there uneducated in the worldwide domination of StarBucks and the coffee addictions of the western world. StarBucks is the world's largest multinational chain of coffee shops, originating from Seattle, USA, and spreading round the globe. specialising in everything coffee, from hot and cold drinks done in every form imaginable (with one key ingrediant you have to push the envelope here and there, Maccas still have fish and chicken to play with) to pastries and wireless internet. ... my personal reason for visiting. free wifi on arrival, just open your laptop and bang your surfing the web. Mark did grab a couple of coffees while we were trekking through the streets, but as usual if your not american, order the smallest size you can, or face the next hour drinking a 1L of coffee.
for more info check out wiki .
we all know what the wiki is right ? or is that the next lesson for all the oldies out there :) and no its not the bloke behind the stumps. he isnt the vice capt and his nick name aint gilly.
search and you shall find.

Yes well..... I kinda feel like I am a bit uneducated!! Yep, I did'nt know whar "Starbucks" was!! Thanks now I do... Mom
never too old to learn eh.
i was kinda freaked to learn about how stylised their logo has become, compared to the old brown one of the 70s.
next up SYD preparations
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