everything is underway and moving quickly. the plan is to try and spend some time in sydney to soak up more of the sites and sounds rather than the quick dash we made last time. :) as mentioned we are primarily going for the TOOL concert at the Entertainment Center in Sydney, but theres a bit of a back story to that all ...
AUG 23rd (4 days prior to leaving for a world trip)
Mark and I hear word of TOOL touring australia next year. after we pull ourselves off the wall, we agree that we have to at least get tickets for the show, and we can work on getting there after we come back from the round the world trip. you might be asking yourself why dont you go to one in Perth? simple reason, Perth is too far away and has no large indoor venues left for a band like TOOL to play in. they were in fact the last band to play in the old Perth Entertainment Center prior to its closure.
so we figure ok, lets get tickets to SYD. but then i hit a brainwave. Rich (cousin) had been going through a few hassles lately and had wound up without a car, no license, and the prospect of ... not much :) so to try and pull him out of his black cloud, my thinking was and still is this. Lets give him a goal. a short term goal that he has to push for and is acheivable. so we bought a 3rd ticket to the show, giving it to Rich as a birthday present, with the condition that he present to us proof that he can save and make it to the show, then he will get his ticket on the other side.
well im pushing him. and so far so good. we will see what happens come JAN:)
but you know we dont do things by halves, so we also managed to secure Big Day Out SYDNEY concert tickets to see the show the next day. two concerts in two days! the story here was once again we bought three tickets, it just so happened that the event sold out in 20mins and now the spare ticket can be purchased by Rich. he doesnt know how lucky he is ....
next up is booking flights and accomodations. we need to jump on this quickly because alot of people are streaming into SYD for that BDO concert. just waiting this last week cost us $50 for flights. crazy stuff. more as we go along....
pics below are a taste test of what we will see in JAN at the big day out 2007. these are from a friend who went in 2006.

You both have done it again! You should both pat yourselves on the back...... and then to think of Rich and give him a go is very nice of you both.I hope it will be appreciated. The crowds look awsome but very scarey! But hey... then we are oldies so we can be excused for feeling this way.Good luck with all the planning again! Mom
yeh things are going great.
holiday is all paid for from savings and we are officially going. i know we all see the bad side of Rich's mistakes but theres another side there that just needs a chance. he needs to grow a bit and i think this is a great way to do it. fail or succeed he learns both ways.
BDO > yeh it looks scary eh. dont worry we wont be anywhere near the front with the crazy people. we plan to chill most of the day and then find a nice spot in the stands or back of the grass to see TOOL at night headline the show. thanks for your support, as ive said before this is more than just a trip to see a concert.
more soon
you will need more than a pair of glasses to see whats going on in the front if you want to sit in the back stand and rest.i can loan you some for a small fee.
its about the Music.
its not a theatre production. its about being in the moment, hearing something being played Live. see that last shot with the stage, those two huge banners next to the oval stage are all speaker stacks! behind cloth mesh. two stages together. ... all about the music.
if you werent so into the old Neil Diamonds and Commercial Radio, and more into Zepplin, The Who, Hendrix, Pink Floyd, you would understand and enjoy some of the new stuff out there. its not a far step away from the greats of the 60s and 70s.its never too late to start listening again. especially in this day and age when music is so easily available for taste testing.
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