The day began out with breakfast, and a quick trek out to Emeryville in Oakland, across the bay from San Francisco. our plan was to catch the Amtrak train up north (2.5hrs) to Sacramento for the next show, and stay the night over at a local hotel. yeh we don't do things by halfs, and we've learnt the hard way before, no point rushing around after a show, better to just relax and get some sleep for a travel leg back.
I must say the Amtrak train and coach service here is fantastic. quiet clean and easy to ride, i'd happily recommend it to anyone travelling through the US. boarding a train in Emeryville I managed a few snaps out whilst chilling to a Coast to Coast AM show :) the countryside curves around farming regions to towns along San Pablo Bay, and things are super dry here in the middle of summer. very interesting to see the views change from city to outer towns, steel works, industrial works, farming zones, naval yards and finally Sacramento City center. hopping out to a 32 degree day, we didn't walk around too much, but what we saw in the short time there, just didn't grab us. it was off to check into the hotel and hit the show early.
Now here's an interesting story for you. after turing up to the show, no doors are open, lines are only just starting to form, and out of no where, the base player for TOOL, Justin Chancellor rides around the corner on a mountain bike! just chilling out before the show. ok so if that wasn't crazy enough, we walk around the arena to just take it in. out of no where there seems to be an Arco Arena staff member selling limited edition event posters (same as previous nights, with different artwork) outside the arena. first thought was, this is a scam, has to be fake. i know a little about print design and production. i checked, this was legit. embossed watermark and all. so we each grabbed one and now have a matching pair of posters for the two shows we have attended in California. I mean .... it can't get any better. wait, it does.
We later hear that, although those posters were legitimate, and limited to 400, they seemed to have been pulled from sale for the night for some reason. seems this guys was sneaking some out to fans early? we don't know, but right now, there's less than 100 out there. we have two. oh it gets better ... after entering the event we hit the merch stand for Mark to grab a shirt, and we see 2 fully signed posters for the Alberta Canada show!! 2!! this artwork was some of the best ive seen of all the posters available, and no way could this be passed up. somehow, we lined up and reserved the two last ones available. shots attached. all signed by the band. trust me, as Mark and I were buying these, alot of fans behind us were whispering "those guys can't be buying two" there must be more ... lol
Onto the show.
Wow. what can I say that hasn't been said in the previous post? I mean, these guys have this so dialed in its a fantastic specticle. The show opens with Timothy Leary giving a speech "Think for yourself, "Question Authority". moving right into the track "Thirdeye". each song interacts with visuals and video that is displayed on multiple screens behind, side on and in front of the band. the result is all encompassing, and takes you to another place. to listen to the music is one facet. to FEEL the art in this true open sense is the true experience for this band. we even saw a 15 min version of "Lateralus" with dual drumkits and base guitars from members of the opening act joining TOOL onstage for the ultimate psychodelic jazz rock freakout and comedown before closing the set on AEnima.
well what a coincedence!! I was there last night! and hey... i thought they said no cameras o.O
Had a blast
Ha! did you get one of the Black Carded posters for the SAC show? we managed to, but from the talk round town, there was only 30 or so released, while Adam pulled the rest.
Great show indeed :) we were in 123.
Glad you enjoyed Amigo. I will have to download some of their songs so I can relate. What is the meaning, if there is any and if you know, of the seven "pointed star" on the poster? It's cleverly done, unlike the six pointed star of David. 9:00 pm your time so you will probably be heading out to dinner. See you soon, miguel.
It was fantastic, and cemented the reasons i travel across oceans to see this art, live.
The seven pointed star (Star of Babalon) is one of MANY images of sacred geometry the band use in artwork and visualisations. others include the "Tree of Life" and the "Flower of Life". its all part of the mystery of the band. intertwining the supernatural, the esoteric, new age and futuristic into something more than just a 4 min pop song. im not familiar with the stars full meaning, but i am aware they appear on Danny Carey's double bass drum and his giant symbol, both are said to channel energy and focus.... look back at Zeppelin :)
getting ready to fly out tomorrow to Boston. i'll do a write up for the show soon. later guys
Best tracks to sample ?
Right In Two
The Patient
So interesting!! Time seems to be flying....... yes? Stay safe :-)
1/3 down ... just landed in Boston, here's to a new start again :)
o.k. now you are in another time zone!! Dad got in fine, went ot see R.A.C to fight about the insurance re; the storm, wow guess what.... yep they have lost some of the paper work!!!! so we put in an official complaint, and they recon they will get things moving. (we will not hold our breath)
Have an awesome time in Boston with you friends go see lots, and keep us informed. much love.
Heading into Boston city center tomorrow, to explore for the whole day. more news then :)
The head of an Angel: the head of a Saint: the head
of a Poet: the head of An Adulterous Woman: the
head of a Man of Valour: the head of a Satyr:
and the head of a Lion-Serpent.
Seven letters hath Her holiest name; and it is
This is the Seal upon the Ring that is on the Fore-
finger of IT: and it is the Seal upon the Tombs of
them whom She hath slain.
Here is Wisdom. Let Him that hath Understanding
count the Number of Our Lady; for it is the
Number of a Woman; and Her Number is
An Hundred and Fifty and Six.
Crowley probably chose the spelling of Babalon for its Qabalistic significance. By replacing the letter 'y' with an 'a', the word 'AL' appears in the center. The whole then naturally breaks into Bab-al-on. 'Bab' is Arabic for a door, or gate. 'AL' is the Key of Liber Legis, and is also a Qabalistic title of God, meaning 'The One' in Hebrew. 'On' is the name of the Egyptian city that the Greeks called Heliopolis, the City of the Pyramids. By gematria, Babalon sums to 156, which is the number of squares on each of the elemental Enochian tablets of Dee and Kelly. These tablets are themselves identified with the City of the Pyramids, with each square being the base of a pyramid.
Hummmm....all too deep for me, I need to know more about Aleister Crowley's writings?
This is the Seal upon the Ring that is on the Fore-
finger of IT: and it is the Seal upon the Tombs of
them whom She hath slain.
Hummmm... still looking?
Now your beginning to see the larger picture behind this band, theres alot going on, behind the music, they fuse alot of things into the subject matter of their art and their music. i love it. i love that depth... must talk more with you about it all when over in Melb
much love.
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