Thats the simple answer. man was this a great show, absolutely blowing our minds. these guys just keep on pushing the boundaries for on stage spectacles, and last night was no exception, from lighting to video to sound, it was aced.
The show was based down here in San Francisco at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium, which only holds a small amount. say round the 7000 mark. however all tickets sold were of a General Admission variety meaning we had to turn up early, first come first serve for seating. I also planned on arriving early to collect my tickets that i bought over in Australia that were being held for me at the Will Call ticket booth.
Getting there was easy, waiting the next 4 hours out was the hard part. Im so lucky Mark came down to the show too, because as we arrived we needed to split so someone could jump into the growing line around the building, whilst i went and to sort out my ticket. without him reserving a spot in line i would of ended up not joining the que till doors opening.
So he stayed in line, and I walked around to find another line for ticket collection only. waiting there for 1.5hrs (crazy people wouldn't release the tickets) i finally got mine, and met two other guys there that asked if they could squeeze into line with us. no problem, as i would of asked the same in my situation :) we jumped back into the main que, where Mark had been the whole time and proceeded to wait till entry.
Doors opened and being right up the front we got a fantastic choice to seating. hitting the first floor slightly to the right on Danny's side. amazing view and for a small venue it was great. we even had time to run out and grab 2 limited edition (screenprinted solely for the show to #400) posters and some merch before the show started.
Ok to say TOOL is amazing is beyound doubt. each show just keeps getting better and better. The setlist was really a greatest hits, and they even snuck in "Intolerence" from undertow ... a song i never ever thought i'd hear. coming right out with "Thirdeye" and a Leary intro, "Jambi" "Stinkfist" and "The Patient" featured. rounding things out with "Lateralus" and the EPIC "Aenima" .... i hope you all learn to swim.
The production to the shows is what sets these guys apart. they don't just play. they incorporate a visual and spacial element to their shows that is second to none. utilising giant video screens to merge animation and video to giving a visual backing to all their songs, as well as a light and laser show, which fills the space with incredible feeling. what was new? two giant MOVING screens the could shift, rise and lower behind Adam and Justin.... Spectacular show. unfortunatly no cameras are allowed in the arena, so i snuck a few low light iPhone shots out just to prove we were there.
Now.... we do it all over again.
Hey ya, thought of you both!! So happy for you, and so glad the show was as awesome as it was!
Message from Dad:
Glad the show was everything you wanted to see and hear, can't wait to be back to read your blog and comment myself! Much love The Chief.
Great poster but not much of a Tool fan.
If you like that one, you should see the limited edition autographed copies we got in Sacramento! ... not a TOOL fan Sara, oh well we can always try and convert you :) Do I know you from WA?
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