Thursday, July 22, 2010

Calm Before The Storm ...

Well, things down here are pretty much the same as i remember. its currently the calm before the storm, and by storm i mean Nerd Storm lvl5. we ducked out of the SD airport pretty smoothly and found our way down town to the Marriot (right next door to the SD Convention Center. we were greeted by the south tower of the complex being fully engulfed by a huge advertisement from Universal Studio's for some upcoming movie. still no one knows what exactly SKYLINE is just yet. thats the thing about this place, you almost have to make your stuff more obscure to just get some ones attention. more hotels along the foreshore here are all lined with window displays. Scott Pilgrim and another that looks to be for Gears Of War 3 feature, along with HEAPS of True Blood marketing inside the convention center.

Mark you'll be happy to know, Ralphs is still kicking haha. its the be all and end all for shopping out here. we walked down early and bought a few things for our long days ahead. the range of fresh foods on hand was pretty amazing, and i can only hope the keep up with demand... the demon spawn are coming MMHAHhahahah. gotta say just quickly, the weather this year looks real mellow and cool. its overcast and slightly humid, in the mid 20's .... really nice to not be beaten down with full on sunshine and 40 degree heat. sorry for the dull grey pics but again, its busy, and these are just captures in the moment. enjoy.

Next out we hit Rancho's a Mexican Place here in SD with a local friend of Trevors (Anthony if im not mistaken .. :) great little place, and again, nice to see a bit of town driving around. to cap the night ... you guess it, another screening of INCEPTION. this is just such an amazing movie its hard to wrap your head around it in one digestion. i urge you to race out and see it at the cinema (IMAX makes all the difference). ok off to relax, and sleep as much as possible. tomorrow we have to pickup our badges and then theres a stack of preview night events to check out, but i have a feeling we'll be hitting the hay early for a HUGE Thursday


Anonymous said...

looks great Shaun, enjoy!

SHAUN FOX said...

I love Anonymous posters :) ...

MOM said...

he he sorry forgot to put my name on it..... can only be you Mom :-)lol

SHAUN FOX said...

Well.... I was guessing on Les, but eh, don't expect me to respond if I don't know who u r lol, having alot fun, much better than last time