Through the Park itself runs a major freeway and connecting minor roads, never impacting on the park to a great degree, but the freeway connects through the park via Lions Gate Bridge to the opposite side of the harbour, and Northern Vancouver. it also house a few beaches, cafes and the Vancouver Aquarium, which we trekked out to on the second day we were in town. all of this is accessible via foot and is the main reason why Vancouver is so tourist friendly.
Once we had finished with the Aquarium, Mark headed back to the CBD and i decided to explore the park itself, kinda felt well, im here, might as well. was really fantastic to explore and walk through the nature trails, often without anyone else around for 100's of meters. squirrels and birds were everywhere, along with the alpine trees and forest. i ended up rounding the whole park via the seawall as you can see, getting closer to Lions Gate bridge and then under it, out to the ocean front cliffs, then round the beaches, and cutting through the center hiking paths. before and after heading through the small boat mariner they have in the cover between the CBD and the park. (this by no means is the only or biggest mariner in the region). really, much more time can be spent here in its own, picnics, walking trails, etc etc, simply a 10min walk from the city. and to think, 20mins over the harbour via ferry you can be skiing in an afternoon. great place.

Looks like a stunning place....... in the summer!!
Would not give you thanks though to be there in the winter brrrrr.....
That is one packed marina! Where is Stanley Park? By the looks of it Canada is mainly large cities? Seeing as their population is so small there must be alot of wide open space up there
Nah its actually quite small, check out google maps for Vancouver, Stanley Park is on the coast, and is a round spit of land that forms the south section of Vancouver and the CBD, Lions Gate Bridge connects the CBD, Stanley Park and Northern Vancouver together.
Canada is quite similar to Australia in that most of its landmass is inhospitable, its large areas of snow capped mountain ranges, broken ice shelfs and lakes. where the major cities are though, it is quite built up, more so than or cities, but Vancouver is kinda like Sydney, a bit bigger in size, but split in two over a harbour and bridge.
the main difference is yeh, they keep their open spaces alive round here, its very easy to escape to a bay, beach, forest or alike. this aint LA or SF, where concrete has a life of its own.
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