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SPEED limits on all urban streets should be reduced by a further 10kmh - to as low as 30kmh in busy pedestrian zones - to save hundreds from death or injury every year, road safety experts say.
They also state it makes cities more pleasant, particularly for pedestrians and cyclists, without significantly affecting motorists' travel time. But the campaign has its critics in the Roads and Traffic Authority and the NRMA, both of which rejected any change to speed limits last week.
Jeffery Archer, of the Monash University Accident Research Centre, called on governments to follow the Swedish capital, Stockholm, where the limit on residential streets was reduced to 30kmh this year. Its slogan promoting the change is "Are you man enough to drive at 30kmh?" ..... come on you can't tell me we can all fall for that 12 year old mentality of are you "Man Enough". When exactly was the last time you ever heard of someone running down a pedestrian or killing someone in a crash in a residential zone? it just doesn't happen. not enough to warrant a limit of 30kph and more opportunities for fines and revenue raising.
Harold Scruby, of the Pedestrian Council of Australia, said reducing the speed limit was the only way to make cities vibrant. ..... HAHAA... ahhh excuse me while i choke. Is this guy serious? Here's a tip Harold, how's about you plant a few more trees around your urban landscape, now theres a "vibrant idea for ya"
Don't be fooled by this again people. Let's promote driver safety and education over simple speeding enforcements, that never change driver mentality, it only promotes them to get more aggressive when restricted behind traffic that co-operates. how about we teach people how to drive in the first place, and stop treating pedestrians like mindless road loitering cattle. i mean you cant even get out of 2nd gear @ 30kph .... whats next? no driving in residential zones between the hours of 6pm to 5am?

great article!! now put that pent up anger of yours into a letter to the papers!! so more can read it as it is a bit "lost" here on your blog. Your ideas are so great Shaun you need to share them with a bigger audience. Your writing is fantastic, and is saying what us "mere mortals" are thinking too.
love the picture.....
yeh i know. at this point its just a way of venting and recording what pops into my grey matter at that point in time. come the end of the year i'll have the time to do more and im looking forward to it.
i thought id actually cop a bit of flak for this one, hope people can read between the lines and stop this dead in its tracks. we need to fight for what we have, the sad thing is "back in the day" we knew what was bad and what we needed to change. now days its all cloak and dagger. time to listen to the inside more than the millions outside.
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