Martin Klimas destroys a lot of clay to make his art. Combining the silence of Eadweard Muybridge’s horse pictures with the association-rich composition of a still life, Klimas breaks recognizable objects so they become something else, and stops us just at the moment of transformation.
I wonder, when you look at your own finished work, do you see what you’ve just destroyed, or what you’ve made from the transformation?
The aspect of destroying is not the most important one in my work. Let’s say it is a catalyst to unleash and study this transformation. The hardest part of my work is to smash so many figurines until I find one that truly is showing me something new. I am in that sense a sculptor, but I have only a 5000th of a second to build my sculpture.
JUST TOO COOL: click here for more

very neat!
i wonder how many photos he actually takes each time he destroys a figurine?
it looks like hes using extremely high shutter speeds so one would assume hes getting 10-15 shots per breakage??? maybe.... i dunno
its amazing how their composition ends up just by smashing them! so perfect.
i also wonder how much thought is put into these breakages before they take place? (coreographed as such?)
perhaps he just drops them? or does he chuck them? has he done these enough to have a pretty decent idea on how the thing is going to break?
does he make them and then break them or just break them?
cool stuff indeed!
i want to break things!
Looks different indeed, but seems a shame to destroy such good sculptures anyway.
But it is incorporating sculpture, photography and a hell of a lot of imagination!
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