Larger Resolution shots of these have been cleared from the net in swoop by the film studio responsible for the new Batman movie : The Dark Knight. so im posting versions i found lying around the place, scattered for the hunters. it just makes me laugh because this IS EXACTLY WHAT WARNER BRO'S WANTED! ....
wake up people. its hype viral marketing and its worked so well before. the more they play up the shots as "not for general viewing" the more people are just gonna rush out and swarm the net to find these images. priming up the movie with excitment. considered why the shots are professionally taken? 1+2 =3.
here's 18.
personally, im a big fan of Nolans interpretations, and Bale's reworking. now Ledger is going to be the breaking point here as the Joker. can he pull it off and become a true homage to the graphic novel equivelants? i truely hope so. plus he's killing it in those socks aint he? i want a pair.
Dark Knight opens 2008, July. for those who still think this is a 60s teen comic book, kiddies movie. dig a little deeper. The Long Halloween. Arkham Asylum. true interpretations. from great artists. so i'd love to say this is a finger in the air to the studios trying to stop these pics getting out .... but its what they wanted all along.

another batman already!?
the last one must have done pretty well !
it doesnt look dark enough for me though!
i do like the look of the joker however, slightly more maniacal or disturbed. my kind of man~!
Alec, you ever read Arkam Asylum ? with art by Dave Mckean? you should realllllly check it out mate. darkest bat graphic novel out there, and reaffirms the bat for an adult audience.
keep in mind this franchise will never get to a dark dark level, say MA 15+, it needs to straddle that borderline so the "kiddies" can still go and see it and rack up that revenue. but i have faith in Nolan, he did well on the first movie.
anyway back to my spiderhole for more work. doing up some winelabel branding at the moment and then my qee. i intend to escape round the end of November and catch up with you ameigo. appologies on being such a net hermit of late.
hmm no ive not read it!
i might see if i can get my hands on some :)
fear not my friend i too understand the dilemma of a busy schedule!! and cos im lazy i like to do nothing when i get home and on my day off :P
Arkam Asylum : new edition print is available now at Comic Zone on Hay Street (behind the cinemas)... check out Dave McKeans work for reference to what to expect. super cool adult comic.
cheers for your understanding mate. its 24/7 design for me till the november exhibition. after that i resume a normal life lol. i hope you can make it to the show in Nov ? see me kick a few ass's lol.
take care mate, and keep dropping me your tattoo work when you can champ.
yes! i would definitely love to come to the exhib at the end of the year! let me know and ill be there!
mucho gracias amigo.
should be round Nov 14th / 15th .. somewhere near those dates. give or take. will let you know closer to the time.
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