Ive been messing around with Flickr lately to sync with my blog, allowing for me to post a whole bunch of photos to a wider audience and in a more open interaction format.
the link below is a direct link to my page. whole bunch of stuff going up there in the coming weeks. ie all holiday photos. bookmark and add comments.
for those not cultured in what exactly Flickr is? you need to step aboard, the Flickr train rocks. basically its a free outlet for anyone anywhere to post photos and interact with others over the images they post. think of it as an online photo album, accessible to anyone, anywhere, anytime, but 100% controllable by YOU the user. you can restrict what people can see and do with anything you post. secondly as it develops, Flickr's interface grows. meaning it looks better and operates more simply.
Flickr homepage
what is Flickr?
How did you find out about flickr? Mom
haha, i have absolutly no idea.
its just one of those things you pick up on, surfing the web and learning. sign up an account and post some pictures.
great site, some good work in that lot.
roger that D.
over and out.
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