we needed the day off to do some shopping and learn the basics of the area. the weather was fantastic, clear and crisp, 22 degrees. cooler near the bay.
so what do tourists do when they need a healthy breakfast in SF? they hit the local Crepe house. awesome crepes (thin pancakes) made right in front of our eyes at fishermans wharf. pics to speak. finished off with a fruit yogurt smoothy, damn that was good.
next up we thought we would hit city central and do some shopping. we began to walk up powell street and basically went? nah mate ... CABLE CAR TIME! we didnt know how to board or how to buy tickets so we winged it. you watch other people and learn fast. move fast, and act dumb lol. turns out people pay onboard or get multiriders, and only really board at the end of a line to get a "tickets worth" out of their ride. we traveled twice on a cable there and back. great stuff.
hittin the shops was cool, the city is awesome and has a very colonial feel to it as the housing and architecture is very 1900s. we soon found that inner city shopping for us wasnt really all the fuss. we dont buy crap from Macy's (US Myers) or other fancy dancy stores. we didnt have the time to search out the local stores for the stuff we were after, this place is huge, and we needed more time. nevertheless i got some sneekers and jeans and was happy with the experience. plus saving money for NYC was ace i guess.
well after the dash for cash, we were knackered. we thought seafood again? nah too far to travel, so we ate in, grabbing some chinese on the way back to the hotel. best chinese ive had since we left home. all up SF turned it on and made us feel welcome all round. friendly people and service. cool things to note. pedestrians have total right of way. drivers are more relaxed and courteous to the a crossing person and will slow down for anyone.public transport is awesome, the BART rocks, is clean and super fast. simple and effective.
now if the americans could just skip this whole "tipping, sales tax, driving on the wrong side of the road, crap money that looks the same and newspapers that cant be read in the wind .... id be a citizen.

hmm yeh nice ...
looks like a place i would definaitly c ...
cant wait for NYC .... make sure theres enough info in copius amounts of detail for me 2 take in .... ESPECIALY alex greys studio !!!
hope u guys r realy enjoying urselves ...
peace out
enjoyment is around every corner, unles we are at the airports or on a plane :) hehe
think you would really like NYC rich. but you would need aleast a week here maybe more. the city is alive like no other, all times of the day (unless its 7AM)
im off to look for a pair of vans today. seeya soon for ur BDay champ ..
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