bay cruise was first and took us round fishermans wharf and under the golden gate bridge. then back through and around alkatraz and angel island in the inner bay area. this conditions made this ride not 100%. freezing cold and cloudy. we could only view a minimal portion of the bridge which was disappointing as the photo opportunities would have been perfect. i guess we were glad to see what we did on day one.
next up was breakfast. i swear i can now see why there is an obesity problem in the US. THESE PEOPLE EAT TOO MUCH!!! .. i had eggs and bacon, and ate for two. well thats what it felt like. lol. all great food down here in SF. not fast food. BTW crabs are the "famous" thing to eat round here. they are a Dungenous Crab and seem alittle like a WA mud crab. salt water, bit smaller and stubby. didnt have time to try one. took a photo of a crab stand for ya Dad. ! we will have to return for this.
well dont know if it was the weather dampening the spirits abit but were a bit worn out. we hit Alkatraz next and the tour was great. kinda left with a feeling of spookyness as to the inmates who were so close to freedom. the other thing we both felt was that this place wont last another 15 years! its falling apart. and no restoration efforts seem to be taking place. 75% of the land mass is closed to the public due to safety issues. nevertheless it was worth the trip.
packed and ready for NYC, heres to warmer conditions and more chaos. looking forward to Alex Grey and COSM.

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