New York.
what can i say. hectic, fast, crowded but lovable. this place feels like the heart of america. populated to the max, it never sleeps. the virgin music megastore doesnt close on times square till 2am. that tells you something!
well American Airlines is officially the worst airline ive travelled on. seats are shocking and uncomfortable. service is terrible and i was glad to make it off. heres hoping BA steps up :) no food served as American Airlines demands you buy food onboard. you even have to buy their headphones .... what a joke
arrival at the airport was great as we are seasoned pros at the whole "Homeland Security Check". we grabbed our bags, no delays or missing stuff yet. headed straight to a taxi and set off for hotel 31. what a great budget place! the best we have stayed in so far. central in manhattan, to walk anywhere.
well with no sleep under our belts we were told (arriving 8:30AM) that our room wouldnt be ready till 1PM. what to do? i was exhausted and didnt feel like doing anything but sometimes when time is limited you push on. first up refuel, drink lots and dont look at the clock.
well what did we come to NYC for. Rich ? ...
yup we hit Alex Grey's studio right off the bat. finding it was a breeze and its about a 45 min walk from the hotel. its on the 4th floor of a warehouse building, and if we didnt have the address its easy to miss. i know your gonna say where are the pics, but i didnt want to be a tourist here. its not the place to walk into and act like an idiot taking happy snaps. you wanna see his art? buy his books, check the website. his art must be admired, reflected upon, and soaked in. what a place! to see his work in real life is amazing, so much detail and expressiveness. we spent about 2 hours in here just spiraling, leaving totally recharged.
what a big day. so we hit the hotel, chillout and wait till our night bus tour of NYC. great ride all round and well worth it to get a sneak peak around the city and its huge boroughs. thriving on money, its a crazy place. but unlike LA its friendly, warm, inviting.