Slept really well after not getting any sleep on the plane trips over. well at least not much. im sure i had a few "lost moments of time" but they were few and far between lol. So today was pretty much a relaxing shopping day. really just wondered around the local hangouts and grabbed a few bargins, which i have no idea how im going to fit in my bags haha, but i'll find a way.
I was so close to buying a life size skull ... and then realise A) its a money box & B) don't think that would be a great idea going through customs for speedy transfers lol
Grabbed a bite to eat for breakfast and headed out to the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium here in San Francisco to see if i could collect my TOOL ticket for tomorrows show at the ticket collection counter. No luck, everything was closed, but the shows listed for monday and seems all good. guess i'll turn up early and secure a spot for what i expect to be an awesome show.
Next was the World Cup Final. Spain vs Netherlands. The local Civic Center Plaza here had some giant screens set up for the locals and tourists to check the game out free on the large screens. so we watched between all the Spanish and mostly Dutch supporters, before treking off at half time to hit the shops. man this game went on forever into overtime at 0-0. finally caught the end in a bar with a beer and relaxed :) .... oh did i mention we?
HA! surprise.
Marks down here too... i'll explain that in the next post :) we're hitting the TOOL show next WHOO HOO!

Sounds fantastic so far Shaun, and what a nice surprise to see Mark, Please tell him we say G'Day!
Storms have eased now and all looking good, just Bloody COLD! Got Big-pond (Telstra)coming in tomorrow to sort out the internet connection here GRRRRR Have fun now and relax, enjoy your show :-)
Lol you knew you would meet Mark there....didn't you....
hope all goes well with the tool concert. We leave 6:00am Sunday so will try and follow you on here till then, be safe. Debs
Everything has been planned :) we're here to see the TOOL shows, and then Marks back to work, and im off to Comic Con in San Diego. Fun Times.
TOOL show number one in San Francisco TODAY!!
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