So it begins again. After an amazing couple of weeks, I thought I would tell you a brief story about how sometimes, just sometimes, fate seems to join the dots for us, and things just "work out".
So i'm off the the USA again, solidified last week with airfare purchases and plans coalescing nicely. But i'll try and stick to the beginning leg of this trip for now and how its shaping so far. Baby steps so far.
2009: July: Friends of mine From Boston, that I met in San Diego in 2008, are back at Comic Con, and are frantically emailing and twittering me with updates as to the latest at the convention and why I should be there. I make a long winded promise to be there the next year, having been blown away with what I saw of Tron Legacy and Avatar. I intended to keep this promise, but the how and when's were foggy, and nothing was certain about how this world trip should play out. Never the less I did secure tickets for SDCC way back in October 09 for the full 5 days.
January / February / March / April all pass. no plane tickets purchased, no solid plans. I've generally had the dots mapped out to this adventure for awhile, but real life took over and things got delayed. Eventually, with the thought of buying a new car in 2010, I made solid decisions to make this trip a scaled back approach, saving on the cashola for deposits later in the year. This would now chop out South East Asia for 2011 / 2012, and would only encompass North America.
Last week in April suddenly from no where,a good friend alerts me to the fact that TOOL (Progressive Rock Band from Los Angeles USA), whom i've traveled the world to see on 3 separate occasions, including a previous US tour show in 2006, has just posted on their website, that they are kicking off a Summer US tour in .... wait for it ... June / July of 2010. Synchronicity?.... Fate.
People who know me and know how passionate I am for this band for their collective musical talents, artistic approach in design, artwork and video, and links to many left of center spiritual and metaphysical themes and topics, know that when an opportunity like this arises, I can't look away.
This has to be happening at this time. It has to fall together. So finally as of 5am last Monday, I await the announcement of tour dates and city locations, knowing I have to start planning for airfares. Suddenly as the last city to be announced on the tour, San Francisco becomes available, a week prior to my Boston arrival. The dots begin to line up, and the frantic pace of flight bookings begins.
With San Francisco now on the list It takes all of 3 days to find flights, plan departures and arrivals, and secure tickets. Amazingly fast, and somehow all booked as direct flights, from a Qantas Airlines special that evaporated by the end of that week. The List goes roughly like this : Perth : Sydney : San Francisco : Boston : San Diego : LA : Melbourne : Perth
And Here We Go ....

Way to go... :-)
Well what can I say....we live in a chaotic universe and it is us who take the chose and put it into order!! You have the mental fortitude to do just that but more over your positivity break barriers like a knife thru butter! Enjoy my little mate.
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