THE CANADIAN PRESS : RICHMOND, B.C.— A couple walking their dogs along the banks of British Columbia’s Fraser River made what appears to be the latest in a series of gruesome discoveries of a running shoe with a severed foot inside. It’s the seventh such find inside a shoe along the West Coast from Georgia Strait to the northwestern tip of Washington State since August 2007.
RCMP Const. Annie Linteau confirmed Wednesday that remains were inside a left-foot New Balance runner spotted the previous day, but said it would be some time before the B.C. Coroner’s office could confirm if the remains are human.
Ken Johnson and his wife spotted the shoe while walking their dogs Tuesday along the Fraser River in the Vancouver suburb of Richmond. Police have determined that two of the seven feet - one found Feb. 8 on Valdez Island and the other found June 16 off Richmond - are a match. DNA testing linked one foot to a depressed man who disappeared in 2007 but the other remains have not been identified.
ok ok, the comic strip is in there for pure laughs. ... kinda reminds me of a mix of an X-Files + Fargo + Northern Exposure episode.... gone wrong

1 comment:
A bit scary hey? But you made it back,so it was fate!
Love the joke, it reminds me of the chinese shop we saw on holiday called"wing-ing chinese food"!
All I could think of was when they answer the phone is "hello this is winging"!!
Yeh but this is quite a mystery the feet thing.....
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