To those that we met along the way, thank you for your friendships and good times, please stay in touch and our door is open anytime you decide to venture down under to this big brown land of Australia and come explore. no matter if your heading west or east, we can help you out. opposite to that, when we trek out again, if we are stopping through your home towns, be sure to have a cold beverage on hand. last but not least, thank you to our employers, and families who allowed us the opportunities to do this, without them all we would not be here. we are both so appreciative just to have great jobs to come back to.
I really can't explain what a fantastic journey it all was, and standouts for me would have to be Mexico and San Diego. those times will stay with me for a long time, and im so glad i got to venture into those jungles whilst i still can, and not at the age of 64. really thinking about getting back in 2012, Dec 21st, maybe see the new year in there ... maybe a new something. Canada was also great, however due to bad luck, bad weather and bad timing things weren't explored as much as possible. would love to go back, but bigger and new locations call first. California id have to say im kinda done with, America in general i guess, for a while ... however i have a strong urge to hop back for an east coast trip and or another Comic Con. but from an outside perspective, the US is heading into really god awful times, and i dont want to be involved in that.
Where next? well no concrete plans, i need to hit Melbourne preferably this year, but the bank is saying no lol, other than that, SE Asia, China, North Africa, the Moon. really looking forward to just getting back into the swing of things and re-appreciating the life we have in Perth. we live in an amazing place, you all just dont have any idea how lucky you have it. from owning homes, clean and healthy foods, safe medical centers, stable jobs, raising families in safe surrounds, still having strong and open connections with our heritage pasts .... being able to walk to the beach, the park, an open space, to breath clean air, to not have to worry about natural disasters taking away everything in a rumble or a swirl. take a moment and just be thankful. see you all on the other side.

Oh, Shaun they say we must have an education but i think the education you just have had far out ways the traditional one yes we are very lucky here and i think you are very lucky to be able to have these experances.
yes cant think what i will read now thank you for your time and sharing your holiday with all of us.
hope your end trip goes well see you soon
love deb.
Heya :)
Yeh no worries, ive done this blog from the start more so for myself first as a record and a window second for others. im really glad alot more people jumped onboard this time round and participated in the discussions, and to those that passed by and couldn't leave a comment, no big deal, but i hope you find a line or two next time.
well gotta go to the airport, Singapore calls, thanks all and cya soon.
Wow, Like Deb said...... what do I read now?? Bugger!
See you real soon :)
Shaun, Thank you for a great read from start to finish and for sharing it all with us as you went along. All the photos are picture perfect and cant wait to see more, as the others have said what do i do now? yes time has come to a end so sit back and let it all run through your mind once again, so you can live it all over once more. Enjoy your trip home and have a safe one.
Welcome home Buddy
its good to see you had such a great time and im truly sorry i did not have more time to leave a few more notes here and there
but i have popped in and read all your posts as i had the time!!!
growing a person is much work! hehe
i noticed that your photography has improved ten fold! some amazing photos youre taking there my man.
i cant wait to do something like this myself!! :)
ennjoy relaxation its what i do best so soak it up until youre back at work!!
Heya Alec,
great to hear from ya mate, yeh all back safe and sound, and damn what a trip it was :) thanks for dropping in, really enjoyed your interactions as well as everyones. take care of that family of yours matey, and i'll catchya soon for a holiday recap. all the best to ya.
To everyone else, no this doesnt mean the blog dies, it simply ... goes on an evoles till the next adventure. adios
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