Our hotel was fantastic, no better yet, the best we have stayed in so far. perfect all round, and i think the views say it all, however if we were on the other side of the building it would have been an even better view of the foreshore. Sunny, 25 C and 18 C at night, without all the plastic BS Los Angeles has to offer, this place was just genuine and fun. as soon as we landed we basically had a room ready and fled to Comic Con to pick up our tickets and scope the place out. this was the only time i had to take pics of the general landscape, city, as for the oncoming four days, we were going to be in Comic nerdsville ..... ok apart from the Seaworld excursion.

Hey Shaun great to hear you are in another location again lol :) At least you can warm up a bit before you leave for Vancouver! Enjoy Comic Con.
Weather is ace, nice and warm, very much like a mild Perth summer. got our Comic Con tickets, all is cool .... but madness down there, photos to come.
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