We got it done, out and onboard, we were seated with a mexican lady that was also delayed from LA, she informed us of the earlier bomb scare, and we discussed all things Mexico, as she lived in Cancun. phweeee, ok all done for that.
Getting our first nights sleep in BEDS .... for forever, we got about 4hrs in before we got up and trekked to the local ADO bus station, backpacks and all, hoping aboard a 6AM ADO bus to Merida ( traveling through central Yucatan to the regions second largest city). no breakfast, plenty of water and 4 hours later, we arrive in Merida well and fine. ready to check into our hotel. Merida in a sentence is ... large, crammed, yet diverse in areas. its split into a few sections, the tourist plaza as always, residential crammed streets, and then the outskirt city streets which are all light industrial and lead off to other connecting highways towards Chipas and alike. unlike Lima, the city was "Mexican rushed", but not overly polluted with diesal fumes. the thing that kept hitting me was that, this culture just can't quite make the leap from rural shacks to domestic housing or city construction. things just aren't there, basic things, planning and space considerations, traffic lights, etc etc. there's this break down of growing too fast into the 20th century.
Anyway, Merida is cool, we got out of the Bus terminal into a taxi and 10 mins later were at the most relaxed hotel / little retreat we could imagine in the center of town. hitting up lunch, we decided the day was young, we were feeling fine with a bit of lunch and well .... the rest was history as we toured off for the rest of the day to Uxmal, details and photos posted earlier. ok next up Palenque and Tikal. adios.

Cancun ADO Bus : to Merida
Yeesh! sorry about the last comments..... page froze & just did four repeats he he.. Sounds like you are having fun, take care and just enjoy much love.
Hi Shaun & mark, have just spent the last hour following and tracing your flight, bus and what other mode of transport you have taken to get where you are wow!!!! you must be buggered.. also have been looking at the ruins, was it easy to get to Palenque they say the roads are very windy and poorly maintained?The pyramids & temples in Tikal in guatemala look quite high. looking forward to your pics.
Do you think you have caught up on some sleep?
Have fun, be safe.
Not to sure why i was anonymous but will try to end now with a name.
Sleep : yeh all cool, we have caught enough by sleeping in the hot arvo / and early nights. siestas!
Roads : all great, outer roads are better than the internal village roads. one thing though is that the jungle is so vigorous they don't clear a safety lane, hand out the window of the bus touches the trees lol. however saying that ... they do love their speed bumps from the rural villages in Mexico to the Guetemala border. we also had to catch a rural boat across the border and pay our way through the check points. pics of all soon, as much as possible.
Pics of Palenque and Tikal soon, Uxmal is the only one up so far ... last one will be the infamous Chichen Itza and the El Castillo.
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