well so far ive gotta say Air New Zealand kicks ass. i think i had the best airline dinner meal ive had in my life ... and for those who know me as such a fussy eater at times, the Roast Chicken went down a treat. so far so good, we will have to see what the flight to Hell Eh , i mean LA, holds.
For those keen to know where we will be and what the hell we intend on doing over the next few weeks, i'll post a detailed itinerary below, emphasis on the detail for Mexico as ive researched my ass off for this leg just to try and reduce the risks of things going pear shaped. anyway, details are below and we hope to squeeze in every bit we can. im reflecting on what Brad was saying earlier today about those people who trek away from home only to sit in their hotel rooms and wind the time away ... doing nothing. Brad, recon we've got the "getting off our ass" covered :)
Speaking of which, Kelly, Brad, cheers for the lift and warm company today before our departure. it was great to have some laughs before we left and it really put us both in good spirits. from my perspective. alrighty time to sign off and chill for the rest of the 3 hours we have until we hit Auckland. arriving there we will be on WA time of around 2AM. my body clock is hating me already. haha. Photos and Auckland updates soon, this may be delayed in uploading to the blog due to net connections as can be expected. much love to all our families and friends, we look forward to enjoying the riches of the places we intend to journey through.
Now does anyone have any tips for light sleepers ACTUALLY getting some sleep on a plane? someone FedEx me a bloody PSP with extra batteries :)

Hey sugar, glad that is the first leg done! Glad Air NZ has lived up-to it's name. Miss you already! Love Mom
gday fellas. must say, i love Air NZ - they are quite possibly one of my favourite. Kia Ora!! after a crappy night at work, it was certainly great to come online and read about your adventures so far, and i must say, the jealousy has definately kicked in now. GIVE ME A HOLIDAY DAMNIT!! Kelly and I knew we should've boarded that plane with you both! Impulsive reactions are normally my forte lol.
Shaun - you are welcome for the lift to the airport. it was lovely to meet you after having heard so much about you over the past year or so.
Mark - thanks for the photos - keep it up with the facebook. Between this blog and your facebook, i should be bathing in envy by the time you get back.
I am actually inspired to start a blog prior to my departure next week. it certainly wont be anywhere near as exciting as yours, because clearly im not going to explore the Incas and the Aztec ruins or to Cancun (have I mentioned how jealous I am yet??)
Stay safe kids! Look forward to more updates.
Brad =)
no worries champ, glad to have your eyes and ears front and center for any schinanigans we get into :) all good and well so far, eagerly awaiting Mexico.
People ! post with your names :) anounymous seems so 1985 james bondish ...
later S.
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