Heading out on the flight a bought of synchronicity hit which on reflection is just kinda freaky, totally cool, and made the flight out enjoyable. quick shout out to Casey McIntyre who was seated next to me for the flight, just checked your site and work, and damn i should've known who i was chatting to ! stellar work Casey, cheers for the friendly chat and flight time wastage :) will have to catch you in sydney or perth for a beer one of these days. for everyone else the weird synchronicity comes in by ... Casey studied in Perth at the same places as me, same lectures etc etc. small bloody world.
Alright we're checked into the Custom Hotel, and will spend the rest of the arvo just milling round and chilling out, grabbin some good food and some much needed catchup sleep. photo updates possible. stay tuned.


CASEY McINTYRE : Design Site
Hey Shaun,
The news and photos are great! That is your biggest leg gone! Now start to relax and enjoy. Auckland looked good.
You have set the comments bit up that we cannot reply unless we go in as anonymous! Not all want to sign up .. lol :) Love Mom
Yes i can post :)
just click on the Name / URL in the identity menu below, type in your names and your set. same as always, post away :)
yeh...... it works now! lol :)
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