Unfortunately the weather over the last two days has been pretty average. foggy days, cold winds in the bay, not really the best for taking scenic shots. but eh, it was just nice to trek to the western side of the peninsula for a change. alot of the art and design culture still likes to stem itself from this end of town and for me, it was great to see. i also wanted to just see the famous area of the Haight, Ashbury region. knowing its free thinking hippy background, i wish i could have flowed through in an earlier life to see the great Hendrix or alike.
Heading down Haight street now left me empty and cold. there seems to be nothing left of the origins here, it almost seemed to me to be a bong shop for every coffee house for every over priced boutique shop that has now wormed its way into the strip. i'll go as far as saying its a little souless. we walked back to market street, and took in a movie from the cold. grabbing a slice (the size of my head) of the best pepperoni pizza i've ever eaten in my life with a coke for $4 .... nice way to chill.

We are fine amigo, the grey sadness spreads her cloak now and then and occasionally I get to kick the black dog, as a whole life is good. I haven't murdered the health inspector although it came close! And I’m seriously considering firing the local council for just being a damned nuisance. Bureaucratical BS perpetrators. Seeing your daily sojourns sure helps though.
Classic shot of the Golden Gate with the sea mist over the top. Ah The Painted Ladies. How did you manage to get such good shots of the Victorian houses? Mine were blurred because the tour operator couldn’t, wouldn’t stop.
Keep seeking from the other seeker.
LMAO, yeh i hear ya buddy. glad the rambles here and there help to bring a smile or two, ditto to your interactions. the tour bus we hopped on was a great deal, 2 day valid ticket for unlimited rides. the weather didn't cooperate though and the last two days have been chilly, overcast foggyness .... until you cross the bay over the Golden Gate for instant sunshine.
pepperoni pizza Hmmmmmmmmmm Aaaah Hmmmmmmmmmm, YES!
Amen brother! usually im not a huge fan of a tomato base sauce as we slurp it on in Aust ... but here, for this pizza house, its more flavoursome, and used as more of a sauce base garnish, not a puddle of goo. thin large crispy Pepperoni was just ace.
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