As most of you would know, i've recently joined the team over at iNK Design, a small focused agency based here in Perth. first off i'd just like to extend a huge thankyou to Craig, Brett, Ian and the crew for having me aboard. im eager to learn and feel this is a fantastic stepping stone to join the industry. i hope you can bare with my rough university edges for awhile whilst i settle into the frame of "real world design".
Craig, cheers for the first week mate, i appreciate not getting the boot after 5 hours on the job. just kidding. really looking to the new learning curve, and your honesty and flexiblity has been great.
to everyone else along the way, im still freelancing if you need my design services along the road. feel free to contact me, and i can see what i or iNK can offer you and your business.
congrats my good man!
thats great news about the permanent job it'll be good.
are you able to show us what you are working on or is it all covert stuff until its been finished and sold to the client?!
either way i look forward to seeing some awesome stuff from you boy!
cheers mate, yeh all is well, thanks for the well wishes. ive been so slack here of late, burning the hours all day at work in front of a mac drains your grey matter lol. Ink is super cool, im there part time, learning how things really opperate in the real world of an agency. hopefully as the work grows i can grow as well. i'll post some good stuff as i go along matey. now when are we gonna catch up for a beer? and when's this baby due?
good vibes out to ya mate.
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