Opening Night Thursday 15th November 2007 @ 6:30 PM
Building 201 Kent Street Bentley, Western Australia 6845
Curtin University of Technology's Department of Design
would like to invite you to its 2007 Graduate Showcase
Included in the exhibition is an assortment of disciplines
* Advertising Design
* Graphic Design
* Illustration Design
* Multimedia Design
* Photography Design
* Product & Furniture Design
* Post Graduate and Honours
Open .......................................
THURS 15.11.07...... 6.30pm to 10.00pm. - Exhibition Night
FRI 16.11.07.......9.00am to 5.00pm.
MON 19.11.07.......9.00am to 5.00pm.
TUES 20.11.07.......9.00am to 5.00pm.
email me if your planning on coming through, all are welcome and the more the merrier.

hey buddy
i cant wait to come check out the killer stuff youre spitting out these days!
from looking at whats just here youve improved massively.. and you were great at it back then too!
some very nice neat and tidy and very up to date design work going on there! im pressive indeed
unfortunately i dont think im going to be able to make it to the gig thurs night since we dont finish up til just after 9 and getting there before 10 will probably not happen. but... im not working monday so illl come have a look see then if i cant make it earlier.
we just got back from melbourne last night too! what an adventure that was hey. very different but very much the same as here hehe
the worst thing i think was the drivers and the roads wow! mental i tell you!
wow, thanks for the kind words mate, means alot to me. seriously, ive been in a sea of drought this whole year in terms of feedback, both positive and negative. sometimes you can't help but second guess everything ... but if nothing else this year has solidified the spark that i fan when putting my head into this work. this is what i want to do.
man im kinda bummed you cant make it on thursday lol, who else will i reminiss about TAFE with? :) give me a call or send me an email when u can make it to see on Fri / Mon when ever. i'll c if i can meet you there and we can catch up. then you can really rip the stuffing outa my work haha.
Melb < im looking to head over there in the new year for another adventure, will talk to you about whats good and bad over there :)
take care bud, and if the weather suddenly changes to allow you to leave work early ... give me a buzz .
adios amigo.
PS. for info : these snaps above are promotional fronts of postcards / little snippets of work, branded with my identity and logo. annual report : estate brochure : magazine spread : cd artwork.
Love the new look Shaun! Bright, Crisp, and Full of Life. Good Luck as always..:)
hey! thanks for the post, haha probably wasnt anything on the site when you looked so keep checking back, i keep adding new stuff.
nice exhibiion!
Hey whats up em, no worries on the post. congrats on finishing this year out and keep working on your stuff! nice funky style.
hey buddy
so sorry i couldnt make it open night! and i havent even had a chance to make it down there and i dont think the show is still on!
we just discovered werer gonna be parents so ive been dealing with a sick lady for the past 2 weeks =\
cant go anywhere cos she just gets motion sickness
im so dissapointed i didnt get to come see all your great work and others work too!
is there a website i can check it all out on? i would love to have a nosey :P
hope it went swimmingly :D
.... parents?
congrats mate, thats crazy stuff :) i hope all goes well for the both of ya. yeh the show went smoothly and im glad its all over. catch ya soon when ur not so busy that end.
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