Searching for something. what i don't know. answers i guess. to what questions? only a few have been asked. XXVI cycles. searching, looking, digging, creating, waiting. deviating from the road once or twice, filling up and pushing onwards.
Reminding myself that im that much closer. seems this year is flying and soon to be at the end, so i'll make a wish. to enjoy the seconds and not the minutes. realising that this is all fleating and i need to step back every second or two. break ... now run again.
Thanks to all of you that have helped along the way, forever in your debt. i heard a phrase the other day from a woman who had just opened her own business. "So when does this get fun?" then i thought, well if you reach the end, "the fun" aint it just over? isn't getting to "the fun" the good part. should that be enjoyed? or not. and so we journey on .... she said, old soul. i like that thought. been around the bend maybe. maybe not. maybe just more tuned to the level. the level we cant taste, touch, see, feel or hear. but to connect ... the masks dont usually fall away too often. today, maybe for a second, they needed to.
Now where did you get so philosophical? You only get to the "end" when you leave this world! The trick is to have "fun"everyday, sometimes even not knowing you are having it!! :) Happy Birthday son, remember you are a special person. Reach for the stars, some are not as high as you envisage! Much love Mom
Mucho Gracias.
the philosophical mask came out today. i took a leaf out of Rich's personal words. who know's ... the next post will probably come from the activist :)
i have to keep reminding myself i am having fun. life is'nt a drag. its bloody fantastic. sometimes a timeout watching or reading about someone else worse off, just snaps you back into it.
bought my own bday gift today as well. synchronicity? or fate? a red pair of vans size 9 :)
i also cant explain how much i connect to my (our) animal totem. sound weird? yeh well ... its a proud symbol ive carried for many a year.
lastly thanks to all who sent well wishes and cards etc etc. seriously though, gifts are not needed, and in our age of a dieing planet, save some trees, email me your warm wishes, they live longer in my email inbox / blog posts, than they would ever do as cards. dont be a sheep consumer, but your thoughts are always well appreciated. now who will read this ? lol
Happy Birthdays are in order young man! im not too far behind you either! i hope you had a swell day, had i known id have happyd you earlier! :)
email is the common now boy! compare the differences from 5 years ago to whats the common practice now!
i dont send letters anymore :) not any paper anyway
the only down side to it all is the electroic documents are so easy to fraud. im sure i could manage a ake document no worries with my accquired graphic skills :P hehe
sign on the imaginary dotted line....
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