Lyrics from a Movie soundtrack that speak so true lol. if you've never seen Fight Club, run to the videostore. just try and avoid the PA system announcments they have on now days ... "Piracy affects us all ... Keep your community safe and make BlockBuster aware of your concerns." .. i kid you not, thats what i heard the other day at my local store. i burst out laughing and walked out thinking ....
you cant fool me, finger in the air.
This is your life Good to the last drop
It doesn't get any better than this
This is your life and its ending one minute at a time
This isn't a seminar This isn't a weekend retreat
Where you are now You can't even imagine what the bottom will be like
Only after disaster can we be resurrected
Its only after you've lost everything that you are free to do anything
Nothing is static Everything is evolving
Everything is falling apart
You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake
You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else
We are all part of the same compost heap
We are the all singing, all dancing crap of the world
You are not your bank account
You are not the clothes you wear
You are not the contents of your wallet
I say evolve, and let the chips fall where they may.

Quite possibly one of the greatest movies of all time!
indeed my favourite. i must have seen it nearly 50 times.... infact im going to watch it this weekend now! heheh
so many things in this film, i notice something new every time.
and the words from that part of the film are so very true. its a scary thought indeed. i cannot imagine getting even close to the bottom line. im too comfortable here! although seeing this movie so many times makes me wonder what it would be like (my personal bottom line) and to see where i could end up, see where it could take me and what i could evolve into from there. no doubt it would make me a better person and i would see things in a whole different way. one could perhaps liken this to enlightenment? a goal i wish to acheive one day... or at least some sort of higher wisdom :)
as futile a dream as it may be in this consumerism driven world!
i believe Mirek said it in design and culture one year.. "change is the only thing that is constant"
that quote burnt into my mind the instant i heard it!
i shall end my rant here :D
go see fight club now.
I knew you of all people would dig this post :) truely a great film, and narrative. it sparks the idea that we are all living this lie, this comfortable 9-5 lie, and that its important to step outside that norm to keep reminding ourselves what its like to actually be alive.
i see so many people fall into the same old puzzle pieces in life which end up locking them into a path and "comfortable life". its also seen that if your not fitting into this norm then your a failure.
i see failure as living in the same location for the whole of your life, with a cosy job, 2.5 kids, a mortgage, partner, and thinking about whats for dinner ....
@#$% THAT! , theres more out there. more to live for. times short. screw other peoples perseptions of what you should do. work the system to get what your looking for.
im rambling i know. but its these themes that this film conjures up if you want to look past .... the cool pink soap and brad pitt.
roll the dice, and let the chips fall where they may. ... ...
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