Old news for the diehards out there, but still worth the reflection, as George Lucas's feature, STAR WARS celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. was it really that long ago? some stories are just timeless. Could we be saying the same things about Lord of the Rings or the Matrix trilogy in 30 years ..... I think not. STAR WARS has that universal quality to appeal to anyone, anywhere, anytime. Unless your Peter Fox hehe :) get well soon old timer. 2 UNI projects to go :) 5 more days. im a zombie in the spiderhole, with the heater on. cya all soon.
'Star Wars' 30th anniversary
In the official souvenir program for "Star Wars," George Lucas says of his most famous creation: "It's always been what you might call a good idea in search of a story." One that 30 years later, the industry seems to have taken to heart.
"George never set out to reform or change Hollywood," says Steve Sansweet, Lucasfilm's official "Star Wars" ambassador. "He has invested in what he thought was necessary to make the kind of movies that he wanted to make."

hehe wow!
i remember my first memory of a movie was sitting on the couch in the living room with dad watching the empire strikes back when i was but 3 or 4 years of age! wonderful!
Peter Fox or Gayle Cole :-) :(.....
I remember watching it when I was in my thirties, now I'm in my forties!!! LOL
HAHA! @ Miguel.
i think i saw Empire Strikes back first, vividly remember the snow beasty getting Luke, and those ewoks! then its been all down hill from there hehe.
Alec will remember this ... someone once said to us, Lucas is the only idiot in the film world who can get away with screen wipes in film. (by screen wipe i mean wiping the screen of the current scene to transition to another scene. classic 70s)
only if the good ol days would return.
haha that sounds suspiciously like something mr black would say
infact i ran into him at the shops the other day! he has let himself get hairy again ~! hehe
i remember that exact same part the most vividly from that movie from when i first saw it! hehe
oh the memories@!
indeed, it was mr black :) (Mitch Black aka multimedia lecturer @ TAFE)
damn! hows he doing Alec? he was such a kickass person when we were there. hope hes all good and his family. surprised hes still in perth.
good times ...
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