News on the front, alot of you may have already seen the iPhone by Apple, but now its just 18 days away from official release in the states. its easy to just say this is a simple phone, well its not. like the iPod before it for music, the iPhone is a revolutionary device for not only calls, sms, but music, web browsing, movies, email, conferencing, photos, camera .... and the list goes on. better yet, it only has one "button" to operate". taking a leap into the future, iPhone works as a touch sensitive screen allowing your fingers to do the walking.
On another note apple have just updated their site for the impending new release of MAC OSX Leopard. go check it out as well as the keynote presentation from the release conference yesterday... and we still have 6 months of 2007 to go, i can smell another iPod release :)
iPhone - INFO
MAC OSX - Leopard
Apple WWDC Keynote

Gee it looks good, maybe someone will win lotto and buy me one! he he
But wait where is the irack!?? lol:)
forget about the iRack ... we've moved on to the iRan! hehehe. Mission Accomplished.
yeh i'll sell my pod down the track and get one of these later down the line. possibly in the states, cas it wont be here till end of 08 / 09
AAAhhhhh my favourite.... iphone :)
oh also can you let me know when we are moving cas at this stage u know as much as i do.... lol
lmao well i thought id drop it out there for "other eyes" to pick up, but i dont think they will....
When is it going to slow down???!!!
I’ve only just come to terms with my mobile’s camera!
Give me a break!!
Do I get the intimation don Quijote, that another trip to the US is on the agenda?
And what’s this going inter-state??
HAHA *looks to Mark .. see this ones on the ball ...*
well at this stage its just a suburb move, from the apartment to a house. im in perth till DEC finishing UNI. hopefully succeed in getting a degree which will be my working ticket.
from there? dont know ... 3 or 4 paths. look for work locally / save / jump to SYD or MELB for work / save / or get a green card and work in the states / West Coast. but thats a dream .... we gotta have em.
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