anyone catch "Insight" last night on SBS? theres a replay on Friday 23rd FEB around 7:30pm and Monday 2:30pm (check local guides) you should all check it out. This weeks discussion was on the David Hicks affair (the accused australian terrorist in Guantanamo Bay) and involved all parties being on camera, including his Father, Defense and Prosecution army representatives, and Australian Government Representatives. all round a great watch.
It was extremely alarming to watch, coming to the logical conclusion that our government condones the imprisonment of people for unknown crimes for a sentence of torture and solitude. hes accused of being a "terrorist threat" because he went to these so called "terrorist training camps" and was in Afghanistan through the Taliban era of early 2001, but has never fired a weapon in war and hasnt been proved to have killed anyone, or committed any injustice?
thats like saying its ok to lock me up for torture of 10years because ive "thought" about bopping Johnny (weasel) Howard over the head with a 6 pound cricket bat. imprisonment for things you havent yet done, but that they "assume you will carry out in the future". things you've read or written or thought about, but would never carry out. "1984 thought crimes" anyone? This War on Terror is a cover story. pull the curtains back people. read, investigate, question. make sure your votes count this time around.... both here and in the USA.

thats some fuked up shit ... i could think of a shit load of theories for that .... be on the look out on my blog for tripped out shit like theories etc. ...
and not only that >>
wen r u gonna get round 2 putting a link 2 my blog on here !!! gosh the things i do >>> spread the love man ... our blogs r connected >>>>
spiral out ....
Did not think much of Richard's coments.......
No need for that kinda language here man!
I do not agree with Hick's being there and I think America has some big answering to do with all the other dudes there. Five years locked up for being less than a paid soldier, yeh right.
Rich, lol thx for stoppin in, have a read of the links. i'll link ur blog up when im not working :) chill on the language if you can, would appreciate it. your views and thoughts are welcome. theories, yeh share em, but digging for the facts is what im about.
Mom, i loved how you used man! in there :) just kinding, his comment made me laugh, and its written as if i could see him txting it. . free speech for the young eh?
lets get back on track. watch Fridays insight replay if you can. i agree they have a lot to answer for, but to who? we're in their back pockets and they went against the UN to invade Iraq.
I see Hicks dieing over there within the next 3 months. call it a catalyst for change maybe? things like this make you appreciate your god given freedoms. and lead to mistrust of our authoritive and government figureheads.
yeh sorry guys ... will do in the future ... i only realised wat i had actually writen afta i left the comment ....
and as far as my theories r concerned realise that i 2 like facts ... and i put facts 2getha ... thats how the theories come bout ... and i use the imput of othas a lot in my theories ....
peace out
No worries, Rich apreciate the apology,
You are right with the theries thing, and yes we should be looking for more of the facts. But it is a bit hard when you are only being fed one thing with the media hey?
Yep will tape tonight's insight on SBS, or may just watch if I have time Shaun , Thanks... catch ya
Rich, you know sometimes you just surprise me mate. thumbs up dude! thx for being open enough to accept other peoples wishes.
indeed it is hard to find the facts between the garbage of the mass media. you need to flip over to ABC, SBS, Coast to Coast, Alex Jones's website, NY Times, i could go on ...
stay away from anything associated with Rupert Murdoch and the Fairfax Corporate organisation.
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