need i say more ? hot town, summer in the city. after a late night, we all ventured out late this morning. easing into the day with a light breakfast as we knew we we're off for a Jet Boat ride round Sydney Harbor.
on booking Rich felt it may have been a waste of his money, soon to learn its probably the third best thing on offer right now in SYD. least to say this Jet Boat ROCKED! upon boarding we were told "might wanna sit up the front, it gets wet up the back" .. our response, Back seats thanks mate! :)
heading out into the harbor, under the bridge and round the Opera House, it was a blast, cruising around at 80KMs, 270 degree turns, handbrake nose dives, least to say we had the best adrenaline rush, and got soaked in the process. this was simply awesome.
moving from there it was now 1PM, lunch and we hit the SYD Aquarium. what a show indeed. as mentioned this city is up to international standards in terms of attractions and facilities. the one thing lacking is internet connection and speed in all outlets. Dad, you would have loved the aquarium. its set up as 3 main sections. fresh water, northern and southern oceans. each section having multiple mini tanks showing off various species. as well as including a seal enclosure and main shark tank. Dad, they even had schools of the typical taylor, cobia, whiting, mullaway, you should have seen the size of some of these! and a fresh water barramundi .... HUGE
knackerd we headed back, changed and chilled for a dinner in the city. gotta get up early tomorrow as mark and i are off early to go hit the fish market, for a guided tour. the SYD fish markets are the largest in the southern hemisphere and auctioning occurs every weekday as far away as norway. should be cool. take care everyone, all is well and safe. bit sunburnt here and there but eh, you get that. for the speed boat shots, we got absolutely soaked so hence these shots werent taken by me in the boat :) but its the boat we took out. @ 80KMs +, 6+ 270 degree turns, 3+ nose dive brakes, and much wave action :)
next ....

Sounds like one hell of a day! Great stuff.
Obviously the huge fires north of Sydney hasn't made an impact on the atmosphere by you guy's. The freeway north has been closed there by you or havn't you heard :) Catch ya
yeh we saw that on the news briefly, but we arent really paying attention to much apart from using up our time as best we can. we dont need any news apart from train times for the BDO and weather reports :)
the jet boat has been the most enjoyable so far. gave us a chance to let our hair down so to speak. seems to be cooling down so all is good.
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