all safe and sound this end. we are currently sitting in Santiago Airport awaiting our last flight out to Lima later today. 8PM local time, 10AM WST AUST. well this may be a third world country but DAMN! weve got free wireless access here @ the airport so we are set. Weather is fine and cool outside.
well the journey so far has been exhausting. losing count of the planes we have caught and the days along the way, and we havent even started in Peru. Qantas flight was so so. someone thought it was fine to leave the aircon on. Dad would have been fine, i froze. then boarding LAN airlines, we switched to middle seats. but no people next to us so things have been great. onboard video screens and movies, south american flight attendents are easy on the eye :) 3 flights down 1 to go. we even stopped in NZ.
sleepings been horrible but eh, thats what ya get. i find the biggest problem is my knees, feel old and cramped lol. be good to get into a hotel. foods also been ok on the flights. fish and veg / omeletes / sandwiches etc.
so apart from being very tired and eager to hit a hotel all is good.
pics below of some happy snaps. Qantas shots are from SYD. LAN airlines and airport shots are from Santiago, Chili.
now to find cheech. oh BTW, ive already blown $100 AUS lol, you know my account details for deposits dont u Mom ? :)

PS. pics are rough snaps on the road. no editing comments, yes that means you Dad :)
Excelent!! Way to go...... not too much longer now for final stop, we are glad all okay so far, We were just saying how cramped you both may be feeling by now.
Happy Birthday, Shaun for Monday, will be thinking of you especually more so today! You'll have to find Cheech as soon as you land...... to locate the bottemless money pit:) take it easy,relax and enjoy. Pic's look good so far! Love Mom
Oops! Forgeot to mention the results of the Derby!.
Fremantel beat WCE 118-61.... bummer Mark:)
Hi Shaun " HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Bugger you have to be in some god forsaken place for your birthday!!!
(you could be so lucky) anyway glad to hear all is going well be prepared for no proper sleep from now on. Looling forward to the next leg take care regs to Mark.
love Kev Deb & Boys
Hi Shaun, Have a great birthday sorry that there will be no funds transfer as a birthday gift. You are on your own with that one.
enjoy the day and live it up to the max.Best wishes, Mike Douglas. Aust 28/08/2006
photos look good BUT......
Hey everyone,
WOW. comments... cant believe you guys hit the blog :) nice work. thanks for all the well wishes, guess ive gotta find a birthday cake today eh? lol.
we grabbed the sporting news yesterday in Santiago, Boks got beat as did WestCoast. thought Freo would win .... my tip for an outside chance of a grand final birth.
thought from yesterday ... "are we the only 20 year olds on this trip ? " lol
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