over the next weeks im going to be setting the blog up for live updates on the road. yup that means this will be the one stop shop for all the info and updates occuring while Mark and I are on holiday. wanna know what the cooked Guinea Pig in Peru was like? you can bet ya bottom Peso it will be documented here.
so the next weeks will be filled with me trying out and testing the blog to upload multiple pics and etc etc. the point of the exercise is this. we dont have much time on this trip to be sending and coresponding to every friend and family members email. so the best way to keep everyone uptodate and informed is via this WEBLOG / Blog
now to change some cash for the trip. i hear this bloke "Cheech" has his finger on the pulse of the world markets. check that safety deposit hole. Bugger Travelex ... CHEECH IS THE MAN TO SEE!

ive had a few real wakey dreams lately. involving old school friends and their relatives and siblings. things i never think of in normal life .. yet in dreamworld they come back to haunt you lol.
money pit = Lima National ATM. self service ATM AYOR ... at your own risk :)
seems all this bloggin thing is really working fine. posting and commenting, seems like the way to do things in a hurry. looking forward to it all.
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